Metamorphie Faciesse

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-"Metamorphie Faciesse!"- Akko screamed remembering what Diana said about her posture, feeling the magic run in her body.

-"Are you thinking on an especific animal?"- Lotte asked seeing Akko stand there in her normal form.

Akko thought about it, then let her head down -"No I wasn't"- She said.

A knock was heard on the other side of the door, she walked toward it and opened the door, showing the green team on the other side.

She let them in, and all sat on the beds, Akko looked around before noticing the clock that read 8pm.

-'Diana might be doing something, I'll go and check what is she is up to'- she thought.

Standing from the bed, she took her stand, relaxing her muscles, feeling again the magic run freely in her body.

-"Metamorphie Fasciesse!"- She screamed, turning herself in a cat, her hair brown, with red eyes.

Her friends congratulated her, but she ignored them, walking toward the window and mumbling a spell to open it, as soon as the window open, she jumped out, walking on the railing looking the blue team's dorm.

She passed a few dorms, almost being caught by a professor, she rushed away, until her destination appear.

-"Finally"- She whispered, looking through the window, she was the blonde on her desk, concentrated on a book she was reading, while taking some notes.

After a few minutes, the blonde stretched, and looked around, Akko meowed gaining the blondes attention, who stood up from the bed, and rushed to the window.

-"My, what are you doing out here little guy"- Diana said picking it up. -"Red eyes? Huh? Weird"- she continue closing the window behind her.

-'She doesn't know it's me'- she thought to herself.

-"I'm going to take a bath, wanna join me"- Diana asked looking down to her arms.

Akko just meowed in response, the blonde taking that as a yes.

Diana walked to the bathroom with her in hands, and closed the door behind her once in.

-'Fuck! I shouldn't have agreed'- Akko thought to herself, looking how Diana started to take her clothes off.

Akko tried so hard to take her eyes off her, but she couldn't stop appreciating, the so well done body of the girl.

-"You know"- Diana started entering the bath, and sitting down, picking up the cat and placing her on her lap, noy letting the water enter on the cat's ears -"There is someone I like, more like I love"- She let out a sigh.

-'Why is she telling me this?'- Akko asked herself, feeling a jealousy feeling growing on the inside.

-"Yeah, the thing is, she looks at me as her rival, which I have never seen her that way, she is cute, even thought she can be childish I like the way she is determined and doesn't give up"- She looks at the ceiling patting slowly the kitten.

-'Is she...'- Akko stood up, and placed her front paws close to Diana's chest, looking straight at her face.

-"But what I love the most about her is her believing heart"- Diana finish.

In that moment it clicked on Akko's mind, making her spell go off, turning in her normal for, right on top of the blonde, who was surprised, looking at the brunette wide eyed.

-"Hi~"- Akko nervously said.

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