Remember Us

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-"Girls can you please be quiet!"- Chariot screamed annoyed, watching Diana and Akko, fight like cat and dogs.

-"What went wrong with the spell?"- Chariot said scratching her head.

-"It was her fault, I don't even know why I am here with her! She is an Aristocrat!"- Akko screamed pointing toward Diana.

-"Is not my fault you disrespect the magic with your lames ideas"- Diana argued.

-"For crying out loud, why can't you just like each other like you just too"- Chariot breathed out, trying not to hit them both.

-"Like her!? Are you crazy?? I would never like my rival!"- Akko screamed again, looking with anger and the blonde.

Diana looked at Akko -"I would never think of you as my rival, I am way out of your league, in magic and in studies, now if you'll excuse me I have more important things to do, than to waste my time with the likes of you"- she finish, pushing her hair back and turning toward the door.

Chariot looked with curiosity at the duo, glancing at Akko who was mocking the blonde.

-"Akko, do you remember who I am?"- The professor asked.

-"Yeah, you are Professor Ursula, why?"- Akko said confidently, looking weird at the older lady.

-"No, nothing"- Chariot realized that they both had forgotten their memories.


-"Girls, I have called you today, because something really bad have happened"- Chariot said, looking at her students.

Jazminka, Contanze and Amanda, the green team, sat in the left, Sucy and Lotte, the red team, in the middle and Barbara and Hannah, the blue team on the right.

-"What is the matter?"- Lotte asked in concern.

-"Yeah, I was about to beat Contanze in a game"- Amanda growled remembering that the smaller girl turned off the console before she could give the last hit.

Contanze just shrugged, and kept her attention to the professor.

-"Well, Remember that Akko and Diana looked for me to practice a spell"- The professor started seeing everyone nod.

-"The spell went wrong, hitting both girls, and that made them lose some of their memories, making them go back to the old days, when they used to hate each others"- At the moment she finish speaking, a loud noise was heard from outside the door.

They all stood up to check the cause of it.

-"Oh fuck you Diana! You were the one that wasn't looking"- Akko angrily said, kneeling down and taking the books that the taller girl had and her own things.

-"If you weren't running in the hall, this..."- She pointed at the floor -"Wouldn't have happen"- she finish with a stern voice.

-"Oh bite me"- Akko mumble, standing up and abruptly giving Diana the books almost making her fall.

Diana got mad taking out her wand and pointing toward tge brunette.

-"Metamorphie Fasciesse!"- She said turning the brunette in a mouse.

-"Hey, what the hell, turn me back"- Akko said in a squeaky voice.

-"If you are truly a witch, you can be capable of turning back yourself"- Diana said, looking down with a serious tone, then turned around and kept walking toward where she was heading.

Akko started squeaking, but Diana ignored her.

Her friends looked with amusement at the scene, and Sucy snickered.

-"This is going to be fun!"- She said with a smirk on her face.


-"Are you sure this is going to work?"- Lotte asked looking at Amanda tied up Akko on a seat in her room.

-"Yeah, What else can happen, Barbara and Hannah are coming in a few"- Amanda said with a satisfied smile on her face.

-"I hope so"- Lotte said looking at Akko struggling on the seat.

The door opened revealing the blue team.

-"What am I doing here?"- Diana said in a stern voice.

Barbara and Hannah staid quiet, pushing her inside. Amanda took Diana and tied her on the seat.

-"Sucy! They are ready!-"Amanda screamed calling the girl's attention.

Sucy walked in with two bottles in hand, both with a green liquid in.

-"What is that?"- Diana asked looking at the bottle.

-"This?"- Sucy lifted the bottle -"Something that will help sort this out"- She smirked making Akko drink one completely, then she looked at Diana. -"Not even a drop"- Sucy said making her drinks hers.

Everyone walked out of the room leaving both of the girls alone, before untying the blonde.

-"I soooo hate you"- Akko growled looking at the blonde, directly at her eyes.

-"Yeah, yeah"- Diana said averting her eyes from the brunette, feeling something weird running in her body, she turned aroud and tried to open the door but it was locked.

-"You know, I have always been looked down, I never was really good at anything, couldn't concentrate in my studies, really I am not good for anything, and the moment I heard that Chariot came to this school, I made anything to be able to enter this academy"- Akko said looking down to the floor -"Everyone hates me, like if I leave, nobody would notice, I just stay because of Lotte and Sucy that had always been there for me, I am no..."-

-"Don't you dare finish that sentence!"- Diana screamed clenching her fist and turning around to face the girl -"That is a lie! Everything you have said"- the blonde walked toward the brunette leaning down in front of the girl, untying her hands.

-"Diana, I'm usel..."- Diana cut her off, giving her a kiss on the lips.

-"That is a lie, you are not useless, without you this academia would turn boring, without you, nobody would ever believe in magic"-A few tears escaped her eyes -"I like how you are, I know we have always been fighting but I wouldn't stand if you leave, even if you don't think it, everyone would miss you, I would miss you, Akko I love you, I wouldn't want you any less"- Diana finish, hugging the girl who had started crying, both of them walked toward the bed, laying on it, non of them letting go.

-"What did you gave them?"- Chariot asked watching the scene, by a spell that capture them on a video that Sucy made.

-"Just a truth potion"- Sucy shrugged looking at the video too.

Both girls cuddling drifting off to sleep.

I'd like to dedicate this one to LWA_ForLife, Hope you like it! Not sure if this was what you were looking for, but is the best I can do.

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