Don't speak like that! 2

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-"Akko, what is the matter with you?"- Lotte asked concerned, watching her childish friend, scream into a pillow.

-"D-Diana pinned me into a wall! And s-she was sooo close!"- Akko squeaked.

-"Did she told you something?"- The darl blonde asked again, giggling a bit, by the acting of the girl.

Her smile soon dissapear -"Well,she did, but it was in anothee lenguage, think it was spanish, I'm not sure"- She said letting out a dissapointed sigh.

-"You don't know how to speak it??"- Lotte said in disbelief.

-"Lotte, she knows English, because she have been teached that since child, she can't even learn the basic of magic"- Sucy snickered.

-"Hey! I learned how to fly!"- Akko pout, hiding herself with the pillow.

-"You barely can stay in the sky for five minutes"- Sucy argue.

-"Shut up you guys, and here"- Lotte snap, picking a book from her desk -"This is all about spanish basic, now study"- She said handing the girl the book.

The brunette looked at it in disgust, but still took it, opening and reading it.

A few days later, Akko was no where to be found, her friends seached every where, without luck on finding her.

Akk sat in the plane -"I think I forgot to tell my friend I was leaving"- She said, while looking throught the window -"I can't lear by a book! So I am going to spain!"- She smiled.

Weeks passed and the girl was back at the school, she walked into her dorm like nothing have ever happen.

-"Hey girls"- She said happily, before she was attacked by some pillows.

-"You are an idiot! Next time you let us know!"- Lotte said worried sick, hugging the brunette.

-"Yay, goodbye silence, it was a pleasure meeting you"- Sucy said in a sarcastic tone, before giving the girl a short hug.

Akko placed her bags down, and walked out of the room, after giving her friends a gift, Lotte had a few books, and Sucy, some new mushrooms and poisons she could use.

She had an ancient book in hands, one that she hasn't seen in the library, and a keychain.

-"Akko?"- The blonde's voice was heard in disbelief.

Akko looked up at the mention of her name -"The one an only"- She said smile.

-"Where have you been!?"- The blonde asked tears filling her eyes.

-"Around"- She simply said, handing the blonde the book an keychain-"Espero que te gusten"- Akko continue, and leaned down -"Y creo que me debes un beso"- She smirked, watching the blonde blush darkly.

-"You left to learn spanish!?"- Diana asked in fear.

Akko smiled wide, nodding -"Yep, now, will you teach me everything?"- She said, her eyes filling with lust.

Diana groaned -"That is cheating"- She mumble.

-"Lo que tú hiciste es trampa, I just played along"- Akko teased, leaned toward the kiss, and taking her by the chin.

-"Akko, we are in plain daylight, what if someone see use?"- Diana squeaked out.

-"Entonces no tendria que decir que eres mia"- Akko smirked, and pulled the blonde into a kiss, ignoring the yelp of a few girls that walked by.

Diana in the end gave into the kiss, moaning as Akko playing with her tongue inside the blonde's mouth.

So, I have bad news, this book had come to an end.

Good news, is that now I am going to dedicate my time one finishing My brother's girlfriend, and editing the mistakes.

And if you guys want me to continue with more one shorts, I think I have to do another book.

So I really hope you have enjoyed every single part, and really, really thanks for rhe votes,views and comments.

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