It was my fault

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Amanda and Akko were both hiding behind a bush on the sideway, a branch from the tree was tied with a small rope they had in their hands.

-"Do you think Andrew is going to really come through here?"- Akko asked glancing toward the track, then back at the girl.

-"He sure is, I saw him afew straight days walk by"- Amanda answer with a smirk on her face, before glancing to the track.

Akko played eith her fingers, unsure of what to say, and if should do it or not.

-"Akko? What is wrong?"- Amanda asked watching the girl's conflicted expression.

-"I kind of like someone..."- Akko trailed off, blushing softly, and her eyes sparkling.

-"And who is it?"- Amanda now sat completely on the floor, paying her full attention to the brunette.

-"The persone is kind, sometimes it can be a pain in the ass"- She chuckle -"But..."- She was cut off, watching the rope escape the girl's hand, since non of them were really holding it.

What may them jump, was a pain cry heard on the other side, it wasn't Andrew's, so it worried them a lot.

The moment the girl's came out, the saw Diana on the floor, her hands covering her eyes, a few books and papers scattered around the floor beside her.

-"Diana!"- Akko's voice cracked, watching in horror what she had done, her eyes became lifeless, at the sound of pain of the girl.

-"Pick the things up, I'll go take her to the school infarmary"- Amanda said picking her broom from behind the bush and placing Diana on it -"Tia Freyer!"- She screamed, leaving a heartbroken girl behind, and scared that something would happen to the blonde.

In mid air, she glanced back, checking if the girl was alright, but as soon as she looked, she speed up, seeing blood come from the girl's eyes.


Akko walked into the infarmary, not really with the energy to do something.

Amanda saw her, watching her energetic happy friend in a state which she wasn't even speaking, it was worried her.

-"Akko, I know it was our fault but she won't get blinde, if they clean her eyes, it would be alright, I am not so affected by this, but why are you...?"- Amanda stopped, watching the brunette look up, and like if she was a open book, she saw why Akko was so sad about the situation.

-"She is the one you were speaking about? Isn't she?"- The orange haired girl asked, receiving a nod as a responce.

Amanda nodded and walked away from the room, gaining the attention of the doctor.

-"Can anyone clean her eyes?"- She asked.

The doctor looked at her, with a few papers in hands -"Yeah, anyone can, as long as the do it carefully and every six hours, it will be alright, why would you ask?"- she finish with a curious tone.

-"Is my friend over there, she is feeling guilty about what had happen, and I was thinking maybe she could do something to help her"- Amanda said glancing at Akko, who was sitting right beside Diana.

-"Well, if Miss Cavendish is alright with it, I guess it will be fine"- The doctor said walking to the room.

-"Miss Cavendish, there are two friends of your wanting to help, and they were thinking to let Miss Kagari clean your eyes for the last three days, are you alright with that?"- The doctor asked.

Diana had a bandage around her head, covering her eyes, but a slight pink blush was still visible -"Akko taking care of me"- She mumble to herself -"Sure"- she finish, for everyone to hear.

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