Miss Cavendish

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The brunette gripped hard into the steering wheel, breathing heavily as she trieds to calm down her nerves.

'That fucking girl! Why did she had to get sick, Lotte you'll owe me big' She cursed inside her mind, before glancing at the big metallic grey, white detailed building, with the words 'Cavendish's house' Written in black above the entrance.

'Who even is this woman' Akko thought in awe, as she scanned her car for her things, before getting off and walking toward it.

As she entered the crystal doors, she was attacked by this suffocating feeling that had written on it 'You don't belong here', shivering off, she directed herself toward the counter.

There sat a beautiful woman with long red hair, with the sweetest smile, she glanced at Akko.

-"Yes Miss...?"- She carefully asked, not to shy the younger girl.

-"I'm Miss Kagari, I came in behalf of Miss Yanson, who had gotten sick"- She answer, failing at the attempt to hide the fact that she was nervous.

-"Yes, she is expecting you, go to the elevater and push the last button, is there to your left"- The red headed said pointing it out.

Akko nodded and slowly started to walk toward it, as she kept getting herself deeper in the building, the more she felt out of place, with her light red shirt, the only black skirt she had, and her small heels, that combined with her shirt, also a black jacket above all.

She coutiously started to fix her skirt, after pushing the button, trying to calm.

The elevator signaled her arrival and she walked inside, seeing another beautiful woman in a crystal desk, with dark blue hair.

-"Miss Kagari, Miss Cavendish will attend you in a few, you can have a sit over there"- She said politely.

Akko sat on a chair, and started questioning the how could a young woman be able to have so much success in so little, as she was distracted someone gained her attention, this time a woman with light purple hair.

-"Miss Kagari, have they offered you something to drink?"- Her voice was stern but gently.

Akko shook her head, and felt sorry the moment the purple haired girl glared at the dark blue one, soon softening.

-"Barbara, could you bring her something?"- She said looking at her, before glancing back at the brunette -"She is still new at this"- She murmurs, before walking off.

Akko stayed quiet, fidgeting in her chair, till they gave her the cup, getting to drink it completely at one go.

A guy open the door, he looked around his thirty and looked at the brunette smile,before looking back inside.

-"We'll see you tomorrow in the match, I totally won't lose to you"- He laughed before walking off the office completely.

-"Miss Kagari, you may go in"-
The light haired woman told her,indicating toward the door.

Akko nodded and stood up, her heart beating fast, and her hand sweating. She reached the door knob, the cold metal making her shiver as she open the door.

She glanced up,seeing a blonde looking out the window, making her lose balance as she stumble with the lower frame of the door, gaining the young woman's attention, who started to look at her with intrigue, still her eyes cold, and straight.

-"Miss Kagari, are you alright?"- She asked in a unknown tone, making the girl's body heat up, as she took a seat, fidgeting on her chair.

-"Y-yes"- The brunette stutter out, glancing around the room, her eyes being caught in a painting in the corner.

-"Is it in your interests?"- The blonde asked in a someone huskier tone than before.

-"Is rather unique"- The brunette answered quickly before lookimg back at the blonde -"It's deeper than what it looks like"- She said, trying to ignore her heart rate picking up.

-"Indeed it does, but, what did you really came here for?"- The blonde said, walking closer to the brunette leaning on her desk and lifting an eyebrow.

'Oh god, why is she so fricking hot, I think I'm sweating, gosh, I really need to get over this' the brunette thought, before opening the papers in her hands.

-"I came to ask you a few question, for my friends last project, so she could graduate from Luna Nova University"- The brunette started.

-"So there isn't a single question of your own?"- The blonde sounded rather dissapointed by the fact.

-"Not for now"- She said out loud, but in the inside a million of question were growing up.

-"Then we may begin"- The blonde smile, showing all her teeths.

-"Did you..."- The question started, and the brunette groaned with the blondes responses, being a bit selfish, and so high with herself.

'Who the hell she thinks she is? Only because she is 25 years old and is the youngest, greatest CEO, doesn't mean she can have that ego!' The brunette thought, huffing annoyed.

-"But I'm curious about you"- The blonde said, pulling the girl out of her thoughts -"Would you like me to clear my schedule to finish with your friends question?"- She said serious picking up her phone from the desk.

-"No, don't mind, this are perfect"- Akko hesitated, standing up.

Diana side smile -"Very well, but if you ever need something, here is my card, hope you stay in contact, would like you to take you out to drink tea"- She said a hint of flirt in her tone, while handing the card that had her name and number in it -"I'll walk you out"- She finish, walking beside the blonde.

She opened the door, and let the brunette walk out first, bwfore picking herself the girl's jacket and pushing the elevators button.

-"I can show around the business if you'd like, maybe there is a spot for you to work here"- The blonde smirked, a dark glint on her eyes.

-"I'll think about it, but for now is a no"- She said.

The elevator announced its arrival, giving the signal for the girl to enter it, giving a small smile at the blonde, whos eyes turned darked than they were, a side smile on her face.

-"Call me"- She husked out pulling away the question pages off the brunette's hand before it closed completely.

The brunette drived all the way back to her apartment, feeling her heart beating, butterflies in her stomach and a heat inbetween her legs.

'Ugh, what the hell did that woman did to me'  Akko groaned out, closing the door behind her and directing herself toward her dorm.

Once inside, she saw Lotte laying on the couch, writting down something on the laptop that was laying infront of her.

-"Thanks Akko!! This is great! She emailed me the answers"- Lotte said excited.

-"I'm happy for you"- Akko smiled sitting down beside the blonde.

-"So how did it went?"- Lotte asked causing Akko to gulp heavily.

-"Great"- Was the only thing she said, trying to avoid the voices in her head.

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