My first love

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There was a young girl who was walking, more like skipping toward her house with her mother, before something caught her attention.

She kneeled down, picking up a piece of paper, watching a brunette in it.

She felt her heart beat -"I like her"- She said to herself, keeping the picture with her.

-"Diana sweetie, come"- Her mom's voice could be heard.

-"Coming!"- Her childish voice answed rushing behind her mom.

After years she was 15 and meet a girl, she feel in love with her, even thought at first their relation wasn't the best.

-"Why do you think you are better than me? It just what an Aristocrat would think like"- The brunette scoff in disbelieve.

-"I don't think I'm better than you, I think you can do better"- Diana answered in her serious tone.

-"You don't think I'm trying!!"- the brunette said furious.

-"I have never said that Akko!"- Diana argue.

There relation grew, they were now 18, and Diana confessed her love to her best friend.

-"A... Akko, can I sp... speak with you"- Diana asked nervous.

Akko's face chnaged to a concerned one -"Are you alright?"- she asked, sitting down beside the blonde placing a hand on her knee.

Diana shivered, feeling the warm touch of the girl.

-"Y... yes... I just... haveacrushonyou"- She said quickly and low, Akko couldn't understand.

-"Diana, I don't understand you, you know you can tell me anything, I won't get mad at you"- Akko reasure the girl, taking her hand off her knee.

Diana quickly started to miss the warm -"If I tell, things won't change between us?"- Diana asked to make sure.

-"Nothing can change it"- Akko said, placing her hand on the girl's hands.

Diana fliched by the sudden warm, blushing loudly -"I... I have a crush... on you since a... long time now"- She stutter out, closing her eyes, not wanting to see the girl's reaction

-"I can't believe this"- Akko squeaked her face also red -"I juat thought this happens in movies"- She fan-girled.

Diana open her eye confused -"What do you mean?"- She asked clueless.

-"You sure are an idiot"- Akko giggle at her.

-"Hey!..."- Diana was about to argue but got interrumpted.

-"I also have a crush on you"-

Years went by quickly and now they are 25 years old, both are moving into a house, and the have been eight years together and Diana had decided to take the next step.

-"Akko, can we go on a date today?"- She asked looking at her girlfriend.

Akko nodded -"Sure, it have been days we haven't gone to one"- she said excited.

Diana smile, and walked toward the bathroom getting ready for the date, Akko following behind.

-"Where are you taking me?"- Akko asked to her girlfriend, watching her carefully pulling her hand.

-"Not so fancy, do you remeber our first day?"- Diana asked, glancig back at her girlfriend, and excited look om her face.

-"How wouldn't I? It was the best day of my life"- The brunette said, remembering, this fancy restaurant.

-"Then now you know"- Diana sweetly smile.

Akko smiled, shaking her head -"You never can do something small, can you?"- Akko asked.

A dorky smile made her way toward Diana's face -"You are worth of the things I do for you and more"- She answered satiesfied with the blush that appeard on the girl's face.

They arrived at the restaurant and after they eat, Diana called one of the waitress, whispering something in their ears.

Akko watched the exchange with curiosity.

Diana gave Akko a small shy smile, before hearing the song "Treasure by Bruno Mars" she sang with the song, not taking her hands away from her girl, as soon as the somg ended,a waitress walked toward them placing a plate in front of the brunette.

Akko looked down, seeing a piece of cake on it, and on the top a ring, her eyes started to tear covering her mouth with both hands.

-"Will make me the happiest girl in the world and marry me?"- Diana asked, kneeling down in front of the brunette.

-"Yes, yes, yes!"- Akko repeated quickly, jumping toward the blonde.

Years passed by, and now they are 46, they have been together since they were 15 years old, and their lovestill haven't faded.

-"Diana! Help me with Yako!"- Akko screamed trying to dress the five year old boy.

Diana walked toward them -"Yako, Kiddo what is the matter?"- She asked picking him up.

-"I don't wnat to go to school"- He said pouting, his red and blue eyes annoyed.

-"You remind me of someone, who was also a handfull"- She said glancing at Akko before tickling him.

-"Moms, I am leaving!"- A teenage girl's voice could be heard by the door.

-"Niko! Take Yako with you!"- Diana said, finishing preparing the little boy.

After their kids left they looked at each other, going back to bed, Akko staid up, cleaning a bit, before chuckling.

-"What is the matter?"- Diana asked lifting her head.

-"This"- Akko said showing the blonde,the picture she once found when she was younger.

-"I found that when I was 7 years old, I fell in love with her, but only saw her by that picture"- Diana answered nonchalantly.

Akko walked toward the bed, and laid beside her, looking at her wife's eyes -"I once lost this picture when I was 7 years old"-

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