Birthday Special 2/5

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Diana's phone was her, waking her up to see a morning text from Akko, she shoot up, and open it.

My dork💕- Morning Diana!!

The phone recieved another text from the girl.

My dork💕- I won't be able to go today. Take care.

Diana was saddened quickly by the thought of not seeing her, she threw the sheets up her head, covering completely, sobbing 'Did she forgot?'

Instantly the sheets were taken away -"Wake up sleepy head!"-

-"Today is your day!"-

-"And we are going shopping!"-

-"Come on birthday girl!"-

Hannah and Barbara screamed happily.

-"I don't feel like getting up"- Diana whined.


-"What happen?"- they said sitting down beside the blonde.

-"Akko forgot about my birthday"- She cried.

-"Well she is an idiot, so it doesn't surprise me"- Hannah answered.

-"But, this doesn't mean you'll be staying here!"- Barbara said, pulling Diana off the bed.

Hours later, the three girl's were walking around the mall, before the blonde saw a really familiar brown hair.

-"Isn't that Akko?"-She asked pointing toward a shop, that she couldn't figure out the name as it was a bit far.

The duo beside her, open their eyes wide and pulled her toward another direction.

-"Look at that!"-

-"Isn't that a pretty dress"- They yelled, trying to gain the girl's attention.

After that, Diana was with less energy, being pulled to every shop by the girls.

A ringtone was heard on both Hannah and Barbara's phone, and whatever text they received, made them look at Diana.

-"I got tired"-

-"Yeah, let's go home"-

They said, once more pulling the girl away.

'But I just wanted to be with Akko!' The girl thought her eyes filled with tears.

As they drove back to the house, Diana sat looking out the window, and the girl's spoke about something.

A text arrive, this time was Diana's, she open it and saw it was Akko's.

My dork💕 - Evening Diana, Did you eat?

My cupcake💜 - No, I haven't.

My dork💕 - Alright, well you better eat when you get home, it would be bad if you don't.

My cupcake💜 - I was thinking doing so.

Was the last thing they spoke, before arriving at the house.

She walked to her the door and open it, only to be meet by darkness.

-"Why is it so dark?"- She asked herself, looking to turn on the light.

Once finding it, she was startle by the people that screamed 'Happy birthday' at her and congratulated her.

Tho, non of them was the person she wanted.

-"Where is Akko?"- She asked Lotte, who was taking a soda.

She shrugged -"Haven't seen her in all day"- she said, before walking away.

Diana rolled her eyes, and started to go upstair, pushing pass a few people, before reaching her room.

She enter it, and closed the door behind her, throwing her purse to the bed, and sitting in the corner.

As she was in her own little world, she didn't notice the presence of someone, who snaked her hands around the girl's waist, causing the girl to stiffen.

-"Happy birthday, and I apologize if I made you think I forgot"- Akko's voice was low and gently, as she placed a kiss on the girl's shoulder.

Diana quickly turned around, pulling the girl closer -"Akko!"- She screamed, making both girls laid down on the bed -"I really didn't think you remember it"- She cried.

-"How would I not? Is my favorite girl's day"- She said kissing the bridge of the girl's nose.

Diana glanced at the brunette's eyes, and Akko did the same.

A silence invaded them, but it was a pleasent one, before Akko broke it.

-"Will you marry me?"- she asked, making the blonde sit up.

-"What?"- Diana answered, her heart wanting to come out, and her brething heavy.

-"I want to be with you forever, and I wann be the one that surprise you every day, making you fall and feel loved, so, Will you marry me?"- Akko finish sitting up and taking the ring out.

Diana's eyes filled with tears and she furiously nodded -"Yes, yes, yes I would"- She asnwered jumping on top of Akko.

Akko chuckle and placed on the ring, kissing softly the girl.

-"Best... birth... day... ever"- Diana mumble into the kiss.

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