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(It's better if you play the music while reading (: )

"GO RIN! GET OUT OF HERE!"father yelled trying to pull his hand away from mine.

"NO!!"I cried not letting go.

His eyes were a diffrent pattern and i began to levitate.

"Goodbye,Ri-"he started to say but a blade emerged through his chest,making me scream.

"FATHER!"i cried.

He coughed up blood and dropped dead.

I screamed,and everything went black.

A new landscape came before my crying eyes,i was dropped on the floor.

He teleported me...

"Why?"i whispered.

Tears came streaming down my face.

"MOTHER!!!!FATHER!!!"I screamed punching the floor.

I sobbed,i was in the middle of nowhere,with no one,and with nothing.

After a long 5 minutes i lifted up my upper body,kneeling.

"Ill kill Itachi for this."i whispered and feeling a power surge through me i opened my eyes.

"i whispered and feeling a power surge through me i opened my eyes

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—Years later— (age:18)

I walked down the path to the waterfall.i yawned,i woke up way to early..

I passed by a couple of kids running past me.

"Hi Rin!"they hollered.I smiled as they ran past me.It was such a peaceful day,such a shame im gonna be training all day instead of relaxing.

Once i was at the waterfall,i made my hand signs.

"Fire style:phoenix flower jutsu!"i said and blew out. enormous balls of fire erupted,I took a deep breath,fire style was so hard at first.I closed my eyes and then activated my eyes.Jumping up i threw a kunai,when i landed,i looked over where i had thrown it.right on the target.

i enhanced the chakra to my feet and jumped up to the waterfall,landing on the rock in the middle.I was working on this new jutsu,but it was really difficult to master.

I was working on this new jutsu,but it was really difficult to master

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I sat down and began to meditate.As a uchiha it was odd for me to have an a ability like this.I was an outcast.It wasn't normal for our clan.but i was born like this..there wasn't a whole lot i could do about it.I felt the chakra spike Inside me.Okay,just a little longer..the blood in me was rushing through my veins.

I finally opened my eyes,quickly wielding my hand signs."blood manipulation."I spoke and grabbed a kunai and slitting my wrist just a small bit,The blood came rushing out and took form of a dragon.

(Ketseryugan eyes)

I felt blood running down my eyes.I concentrated as six dragons came out.alright,I know I can only hold this jutsu for about three minutes.

I cringed,it's draining my chakra!those three minutes pass quickly when I perform this jutsu.

I collapsed falling backwards,as did the dragons.

"Damn it."i said exhausted.this sucks...almost made it to seven.I wiped the blood that was on my face.i sat up and stood up with shaky legs.i need to heel this wound..i jumped off the rock to the ground.i put my hand on the cut and applied my medical jutsu on it,just to close it.

I looked up at the trees.the wind rhustled through the leaves.i sighed,looking back down and started wrapping it around my wrist.

"I told you not to do that jutsu."i heard someone say.

I looked up,it was kobuto?i frowned at him and tied a knot on the bandage.

"What?the silent treatment?"he said.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away.i sensed his presence behind me.Damn!I turned around and threw a punch straight to him,but he caught my fist.

"You know,im just gonna tell you this..if you keep on throwing those weak punches,your gonna die in battle."he said.

"Really?"i said.

He gave me a smirk,and i did the same. He let go and we both jumped and kabuto had this thing where we sparred all the time,i wouldn't really call it a rivalry.we were friends,but i was only rude to him becuase he made me angry eariler.

His hands now blue from his chakra blades,he took his stance,as did i.

I made the first move jumping up and bringing my leg down over his head

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I made the first move jumping up and bringing my leg down over his head.

"Mistake Rin!"he laughed blocking it with his forearms.

I smiled doing a backflip and landing.He came over raising his hand and slashing it right in front of me,i quickly dodged it.

"Hey!"i snapped,he almost got me!

"Pay attention to your opponent!"he laughed and then managed to kick my arm,making me fall over,but i caught myself.i quickly did a backflip and i was on my feet again.

I did my hand signs."Firestyle!dragon ball jutsu!"i yelled and inhaled and blew out straight at him.

Kabuto did his signs as well,"Water style!water wall!"he said and water spewed out into a wall and put out my flames.

We both stopped,i put my hands on my knees.

"Hey,time out.."i panted.

He walked towards me.I sat down,but i noticed he started running.

"Kabuto?"I said.

He wielded signs,my eyes widened,"Kabuto wait!"i yelled getting back on my feet.

"There are no time outs in a fight!"He yelled and grabbed my wrist,I yelled in anger.that wasn't fair-

Kabuto flung me up over him,i shook my head and began to weave signs,but it was to late,i landed straight into the river.i was under water in a matter of seconds.Damn it!he's so irratating!

I swam up and when i resurfaced I heard his laughter.

"KABUTO!!"I yelled.

I swam to the shallow part and stood up angrily walking over to him.

"That's not fair!"i said crossing my arms.

Kabuto was still laughing."Oh come on,just admit it,it was funny!"he said.

I smiled and kicked my leg up,splashing the water towards him.

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