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Rin's P.O.V
Madara carresed my cheek,still keeping an emotionless face.this time i didn't care if he answered my question or not.

"Rin.."he said.

I waited,what is he gonna say?


Izuna's voice was suddenly heard.We both turned our heads.It was Obito and him?!in my head i was punching Izuna a thousand times,but i pulled away from Madara as they approached us.

Obito had an awkward look on his face.

"What is it."Madara said,he was clearly annoyed.

"Can i talk to you for a second."he said with a smirk on his face.

Izuna's P.O.V
Once me and Madara moved away from Rin and Obito,I smirked and started laughing.

"You and Rin!!!"I mocked making a kissing face.his expression was the same but i continued to taunt him.I knew it!I called it from the beginning.

"I'm happy for you brother."I said cooly punching his arm.


I walked around him,"did you kiss her?"i asked.I knew they were going to become lovers!i had a feeling when I looked at Rin and him together.

"There's no shame in admitting this to me."

I smiled and pointed at him ."Your in love with her-"I started to say but i was cut off.

Madara punched me in the face.

I flew backwards and fell.intense pain sprawled onto my cheek.

I groaned,but then smirked.

"That proves my point.."i muttered.

Rin's P.O.V

Me and Obito were quiet for a few seconds.

"So what was that all about?"he asked,referring to Madara and me.

I blushed looking away,"I don't know what your talking about."I quickly replied.

He got a small smile,"fine."he said.I laughed and held my own hand behind my back.we waited for quite some time,but we were occupied by us talking,finally Madara came back as did Izuna.

I furrowed my eyebrows,why is he holding his cheek?

"Are you okay?"I asked.

"Im perfectly okay!"he replied enthusiastically.

I lightly laughed then turned to Madara.

"We should get going."he said and started to walk down the path once again.

I smiled as i followed him Izuna as well but behind us.

"So what did Izuna want?"I asked.

"Nothing."he replied.

"Oh."i said,I smiled me and Madara were walking awfully close again.
My good mood was unfortunately ruined by Itachi.

As soon as we saw him waiting for us,I paid no attention to him.I had to keep my self under control.

"Konan,killed a squad of mist shinobi that were tailing us."Itachi said.

"You were being followed?"Obito asked.

He nodded.

"Konan sensed there chakra,but she covered all the loose ends."he replied.

"Madara."Izuna said.

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