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"Focus all of your chakra in your palm."Obito said.

I did so closing my eyes,I enhanced the chakra in my hand.

Feeling my eyes activate i opened them,I grabbed the kunai and made a small incision in the middle of my palm.

Blood emerged from it and the sphere began to take form.

I felt the thick tears falling from my eyes.

"What now sensei?"I asked.

"Now release more chakra."he instructed.

"But i've never done that before.."i whispered.

"Do it Rin.."he said.Obito was trying to get my Ketsuryugan to go to the next stage.i had told him about the time my parents died,that my eyes were only able to reach the second stage.

I obeyed and gave it more,I felt my heart rate fasten as the blood sphere began to grow bigger and bigger.

Ive never held a blood rasengan this big before!

"Sensei!"I said a bit frightened.

"Dont doubt yourself!or you'll lose control,calm down."he said.

He's right,I took a deep breath and calmed myself,also feeling more streams of blood fall out of my eyes caused me to stress a little bit.

"Now for the next step-"he started to say but i began to lose was getting heavy!

"Rin?"he questioned.

Oh no!

This rasengan is to heavy!I can't hold it!the whole sphere tipped over and exploded right in my hand.

The force threw me back.

I expected to hit the floor but i didn't.Obito cuaght me in midair, landing with me in his arms.the explosion was still going off.

My eyes were wide as the fire began to intensify in the expanding sphere.

Oh no!Its going to have a second explosion!

Obito quickly jumped up gaining some yards away from the jutsu.he set me down,and got in front of me.


Obito grabbed me and quickly pulled me into him,his hand on the back of my head.

I closed my eyes as the ground shook.

What the hell did i create!i can't believe Obitos shielding me with his body!he could get hurt!I clung to him as everyhting shook and vibrated and that terrible loud sound erupted.

An insane amount of wind was rushed over us.

Then nothing.

Obito picked up his head and looked back to where the explosion happened.he loosened his grip and let go,he stood turning around and facing the explosion site.

My eyes were wide as i took it in as well.I slowly stood,my legs felt wobbly.

I looked at the destroyed forest and then to my hand.I didnt even use that much chakra...oh no!Obito!

"Im sorry sensei!!"i yelled dropping to my knees placing my hands on the ground and bowing my head.I almost killed the both of us!

"Rin."he said.

I looked up at him.he had a small smile,and laughed a little.

"Whaa..?"i murmered as he stuck his hand out to help me up.

I took it."Its training."he said.

He helped me up,"but I.."i trailed off.

"Sorry..I don't really know how it is to work with someone,it must be because I never really made it to a squad back then.."i said giving him a nervous smile.

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