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Eventually i woke up again.

I knew we had to go meet Danzo back at that place,I didn't want to fight and hopefully that doesn't become the case when we go.

"Rin,time to eat!"Izuna said walking in.I paid no attention,I refused to eat last time.and my consequence was a yelling from Madara threatening he would force feed it to me if I didn't do it on my own.

I sat up and starred down at my lap. Izuna tried to be cheerful towards me and I appreciated the effort but it really just made me more depressed then i already was.

Izuna sat on the bed.

"Open wide."he said giving me a smile.

I opened my mouth,he feed me till the bowl was empty,I looked out of the window,and was about to lay back and think about my pathetic life again,but Izuna grabbed my arm.

"Come on."He said pulling me up and untying me.I gave him a confused look,what is he doing?

"Don't give me that look."he said helping me out of the bed and dragging me out of the cabin door.

I was outside and i wasn't restrained.not that im complaining or anything but im sure Madara would get mad.

"I know what your thinking and,no he's not gonna say anything becuase he's not here."Izuna said placing his hand on my shoulder.

I tried to give him the best smile i could,but it failed.i was just feeling down and sad.

Izuna frowned putting his hand down,"Come on,you'll cheer up when we're in the village!"he said.

He led me down to the dock,and both started walking towards the village.

Once we were there people were passing us and kids were running and laughing.I made sure to stay close to Izuna just in case,"I noticed what was wrong yesterday..."he said.

I kept my eyes straight foward.he couldn't possibly know what i was feeling.

"Hey,once you get to know my brother you and him will be inseparable."He explained.

My eyes watered up.i didn't want to get to know him!i just wanted to go home.

I wiped my tears with my sleeve.I dont want to cry now,or in front of Izuna..not when he's trying so hard to cheer me up.
The time for the meeting came.the weather had changed to sunny to a light storm.

I started to think about this meeting with Danzo.

I heard from Izuna that he and the akautski were going to be there as long as the others.thats how I knew I wasn't going to be fighting again.but I wonder what it was about?

The door opened and Madara came walking in.i was sitting on my bed and he motioned me to come to him.i obeyed,he turned me around and tied my wrists together.

The boat swayed due to the waves from the storm.

He gave me a small push,indicating that i walk first,and I did.walking out into the storm,i noticed the drops of rain didn't get me or Madara wet.

It must be his jutsu.

"Where's Izuna?"I asked.

I was ignored,I frowned.again we were off,taking the same back route through the village.I wanted to ask questions,and i also knew it was useless since Madara wouldn't answer me.once we were at the shop,we walked in,this time taking a diffrent staircase.

At the bottom was two big double doors.

What the-

Madara stood in front of me.I looked into his eyes.He weaved three signs and covered my eyes.

I expected this.he removed his hand and i still couldn't see.he put a sealing blindfold on me.just then I heard the sound of the doors opening.

"Go."He ordered.I walked foward,Madara guided me into the room until he sat me down.

"Alright everyone's here."

I heard someone's voice that i didn't recognize at all,"According to this meeting,its a comfirmanation on the shinobi's formation for the attack."The voice said.

I slightly moved my head,i could sense chakra from the people that were here.but i couldn't see it clearly since this blindfold was a seal.

For my needs this meeting was useless.

—45 minutes later—

Hearing chairs screech across the floor i assumed it was over,"Madara,may i speak with you in private for a second."a voice said.

I remained seated until my arm was grabbed and i was pulled up.

These wern't Madara's hands though.

"Madara?"I said not cooperating with whoever had me.

"He's ordered me to take you into the hall,you are to wait for him there."he said.

Wait.. I knew this voice!


He pushed me foward,until i was certain we were out of the room,he put me against the wall and removed my blindfold.

I was right,it was him!

My face angered,feeling my eyes activate,i starred at him with hatred,"I told you this wasn't the last time we'd see each other."he said smirking.

"YOU BASTARD!"I yelled.

Kabuto raised his hand,and it harshly connected with my face.

He slapped me!my eyes watered,he's changed.i don't know this man anymore.

"Dont raise your voice."he simply said.

My cheek stung,but i refused to cry.

"Forget it." he said putting the blindfold on and pushed me down on my knees.

"Goodbye Rin."he said.

That stupid bastard!thinks he can act as if nothing happened!I looked up,facing the direction where I sensed his chakra,"Why!"I yelled.

I still heard the sound of him walking away,"why Kabuto!"I said raising my voice.

He stopped,"Did our friendship mean nothing!"I yelled.

There was a small moment of silence.

"No it didn't."he said.My eyes widened under the blindfold as i heard his footsteps fade away.

"Kabuto."I whispered.

—20 minutes later—
I heard the doors open.

I didnt move until a pair of gloved hands grabbed my arm.I stood and began to walk with Madara.this meeting was totally useless!Not to mention Kabuto..that damned traitor!

"Madara."I said.

He didn't answer.I was beginning to grow frustrated. everyone's just leaving me clueless i don't know what's going on!I dont know what were fighting for!

Boarding the boat,the storm was worse then ever.I had trouble standing my ground since the water was unsteady.

I heard the cabin door open,we both came in,and the blindfold was taken off,he walked before me and went to my bed.

I went to Madara and stood in front of him,waiting for it to be prepared.just then the boat moved aggresivly making me lose my balance.


I hit Madara,grabbing his shoulders to try and not fall,he grabbed my waist trying to get me off him,but i ended up bringing us both down.

My eyes widened.

Our lips were touching!I swallowed the lump in my throat,Madara's eyes were wide to.did we just accidentally kiss!!

He got off me,i quickly stood to,"I-im sorry.."I began to say but trailed off when he grabbed me and put me in my usual restraints.but I couldn't help but notice a small smile when he began to turn away.

I blushed as he was walking out.i saw feel it to?

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