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-two days later-
"What happened?"Obito asked,referring to my bandaged forehead.

I starred at the rivers water as it flowed downstream.i didn't want to talk to anyone.when Obito and Sasuke had returned yesterday,I didn't greet them or even give them a smile.I felt horrible for it,but I was to sad.i wasn't paying attention to what anyone told me.which was why I was getting yelled at for past two days by Madara.

But,Itachis words would echo into my head.the grief I felt for killing him would come and go.but I no longer blamed myself for what happened with my clan.

"Training."I replied quietly.

Obito narrowed his eyes at me.he knew something was wrong,but didn't ask.

I was usually the one who would come to him.

Even his comfort didn't appeal to me for this situation.i just,wanted to be alone.

A breeze flew by,making the air smell like rain.

I blinked slowly,why can't I just accept what I did..Madara seemed to do so.but I just couldn't.i kept thinking what if.

What if I hadn't killed Itachi.he would've been on our side,if I had told him I knew the truth,and persuaded him to drop his act.

"It's going to rain soon.come inside."Obito said as he turned and walked away.

I didn't give it any second thought.i just wanted to feel okay again.but I couldn't..not when I felt so horrible.
—hours later—
As the rain poured down,soaking me,I still stood in the same place.

I didn't move.

Everything for me was completely still.

But the more I thought about it,the more I convinced myself that I can get over this when I complete my revenge.but after that,will I be satisfied?

When Obito had explained the plan,he mentioned that we were all going to create a that only us Uchiha will reside in.

But I knew that wasn't it.

I still didn't know what Madaras real goal was.i was completely in the dark.i didn't know what was going to happen when we won this war.

It hardly seemed fair to me.

But that just meant that Madara and Obito had confidence that we could beat the matter what they threw at us.

And whatever this Juubi was,I would help Madara retrieve it.

He's done so much for me...

Just like everyone else here did.

"It's Itachi,isn't it."

I was slightly shocked when I heard Obito say his name.I turned my head,he stood there,holding his akuatski cloak,but still wore his mask.his eye glared at me with empathy.

How did he know about that?i never told him or anyone?

"I was there when he came to Sasuke."he said as he approached me.

"S-Sasuke?"I asked as he placed his cloak around my shoulders.

"Yes..I was there when he came."he answered.

Itachi went to talk to Sasuke to..I thought.

"I'm assuming he came to apologize to you."he said.

I nodded,"yea...but what did he Sasuke?"I questioned.

"He told him everything.he showed him the real truth with a genjutsu,then apologized for acting cruel towards him,after that was a request."he replied.

"A request?"I asked.

He crossed his arms,"it's the same as for what I told him,and the same thing that he promised to himself."he said.

I saddened hearing those words.Itachis request...even he said that to Sasuke.

"Honestly,Sensei.."I said as I made eye contact with him.

"You really think I'm something worth protecting?"i asked.

He looked to the river.

"Without a doubt."he replied.

I bit my lip with a little request to Sasuke was to protect me...why?i thought as the rain began to led up..

I shook my head slowly,"I wish I knew why-"I started to say but he cut me off.

"Madara at first saw you for your power.thats why we seeked you out"

"But I believe he sees you different now....all of us do."

"Sasuke who hated you at the beginning,sees you as someone who'll be there for him."

"For me,I see you as the person I used to love.."

My mouth slightly opened,what?they really felt this way?

"Reiko was the one thing I wanted to protect.but I failed at doing so."

"So,when we first encountered each other,I don't know the reason,but when I looked at you,I saw her."he said.

"Reiko..."I said to myself as I turned back to the river.

"Madara,who only wanted your seems to me that he's changed."he added.

Madara..I thought.

"Your everyone made an impact on all of our've changed how we live,and how we...feel."

I closed my eyes.

"You've done the same for me..."I said.

"You and Sasuke both have given back a family to me.."

"And Madara,he showed me how it felt to be in love."i said.

"That's why I feel the need to protect you all to."

"You've given back the things I thought I had lost forever.."

"And for that,I owe you all my life."I said.

I look to Obito,who was already staring at me.I bowed causally and gave him a smile.

He glanced at me for a moment while the sun began to show through the dark clouds.

"That's what I wanted to see."he said more to himself.

Even though he wore a mask,I knew that he,himself was smiling.

Whether it be Madara or Obito,both of them knew how to get me into higher spirits.

I quietly laughed,he just wanted to see me smile.

I loved having him as my older brother.i never knew he could make me smile in my times of despair.he made me want to forget everything bad.

Just like Madara did.

They handled me differently,but I responded in the same way.

Itachi..well what he said to me that day made me feel both happy and sad.but in the end he learned to love me like family.and that's what hit me the hardest.

All that was left of my clan..

They all cared about me,and each other.

And I was determined to keep it that way.

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