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Sasukes guard increased as he held Rin down while she struggled.

Who was this?

It wasn't Madara or Obito.

Rin tried to twist and turn her way out of Sasukes hold.but he wouldn't budge.she noticed that he kept looking around him.

She was frustrated,how did she end up getting trapped like this!im wasting time!she thought.

Without her realizing,Sasuke wanted her to struggle.the longer she did,the more she would tire herself out,and eventually stop moving.

He narrowed his eyes as the footsteps got closer.

Rin didn't care that there was someone nearing them.enemy or not,if they tried to attack then she would use that chance to escape from Sasuke.

As the footsteps grew louder and closer,Rin desperately tried to move.

Just wait a little longer!eventually he'll have to let me go!she thought.

Rin froze.

What is...

What is this?

T-this chakra?

A mans lower body appeared in her view.

This... can't..

Sasuke glared at the man,ready to kill.Rin had stopped moving under him.was she scared?he thought.did he try to kill her in the past?

The man stopped walking,and Rin with her increasing heartbeat,slowly looked up.

I-is that

Her eyes widened.

Sasuke narrowed his glare to him and then to her.he let her go and made the sign of the rat.

Rin slowly turned to him.

"I-Izuna?"she muttered.

He stood there,with a surprised expression as he stared at her.

Tears brimmed her eyes.he was...reanimated...and..

"Rin?"he said taking a step forward.

How did this happen?she thought.but a second after she really didn't care how it did.he was here!Izunas standing right in front of me!h-he's actually front of me!

"Izuna!"she yelled and ran to him.

He's really here!

"Rin!"Izuna said with excitement that matched hers,as he opened his arms,he took a single step forward.


The second Sasuke had said those words,Rin fell to the ground.

Izunas smile disappeared,"Rin?!"he said with worry as he began to run towards her.who the hell is this guy?!and how did he know about that genjutsu!he thought.

Before he could reach her,Sasuke had landed in front of her and raised his sword.

Izuna skidded to a stop.

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