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Wind...I felt the cool air rush over me.

I squeezed my eyes and then opened them..

What..what happened?i starred at the cloudy sky.

It's going to rain.

Wait what!i sat up quickly,I frantically looked around,trees!greenery!forest!!the way the landscape was!it all felt familiar!!


My eyes caught sight of a sign that read"Land of fire border 70km"


WAIT WHERE'S MADARA!i looked around but he was no where to be seen!oh no!Did he do this?!I'm going to get executed!!there gonna kill me!!!i began breathing frantically as I scooted back,if a leaf ninja sees me I'll be dead!!i thought.

I gasped when my back hit something hard.i turned my head.

Just a tree..I looked back forward.what am I gonna do!i have nothing!my eyes watered as I shook,I was scared.what if someone finds me...what-

Why did Madara do this?

My heart began to ache with pain.he lied to me,he just used me for whatever purpose he wanted!

Tears welled up in my eyes.

Damn head sunk.i felt the hot tears running down my cheeks,how could he!i thought he-...forget it.

I began to cry,I brought up my knees to my chest.i should be trying to get out of here...but my body didn't want to move.the pain in my heart grew greater,this wasn't fair!why did he do this to me!i did nothing wrong to him!why did he not want me anymore!

The soft sound of raindrops was heard.i didn't care to take or find a shelter.i couldn't believe this,did he not feel anything at all?
—one hour later—
I stayed in the same place for awhile now,It was still raining and I finally had gotten my body to move.

I was settled into the tree,and two leaf shinobi passed through here every 10 minutes,they must be was difficult to push my emotions aside,but if I wanted to survive I had to move.

I slowly began to take my next step and reached for the next tree branch.another shinobi?

I narrowed my eyes as I saw him walk.i need to take the whole patrol out,then I could leave unseen.i jumped and landed without a sound onto the next tree.

I have to wait till he's directly below me.

He took a few more steps.


Now!i dropped below and landed right on top of him.

"What the-!"he started to yell but I jabbed him in his critical chakra point.he fell to the ground,okay I need to hide him..he'll be paralyzed until tomorrow.

I grabbed his arm and began pulling him to a nearby bush,damn he was heavy.

My head perked up when I heard approaching footsteps.someones coming!should I leave him here?I don't have time to hide him.

I let go and jumped into the tree above.if anyone sees me,I'll be done for!they'll out number me.

"What the hell!come look at this!"one guy had said,he looked at the body with a suspicious glare.

"What the hell!come look at this!"one guy had said,he looked at the body with a suspicious glare

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