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Waking up to the sound of the ocean,i opened my head was pounding,i didn't sleep vary much last night.

I was crying and couldnt bring myself to stop,i knew that the puffiness of my eyes would show.

Maybe i should stay in here...I starred at the same spot for about twenty minutes and fell asleep again.
—three hours later—

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door,I opened me eyes.

"Rin?Its Izuna."he said.

I rubbed my eyes and got up off the bed,I walked to the door,and opened it.

Izuna smiled."Hey."he said but once he really looked at me and his smile faded.

"Are you okay?"he asked.

I nodded completely lying,"hows your wounds?"I asked grabbing his hand and pulling him in my room.

He had a frown on his face as he walked in,I shut my door.

"There fine."he said.

I grabbed his wrap about to open and check it.

"Really Rin,there fine."he said grabbing my hand and putting it back down to my side.

I sighed."Alright."i whispered,walking over and sitting on the chair in front of the table.

It was quiet for about a second.

"I just wanted to stop by and say thank you."he said.I looked at him and slightly smiled.

"No problem."I replied.

"I mean it Rin,Obito told me everything you did."he said.

I put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well..."I muttered,my hands gripping my knees.I blinked a couple of times.

"What are friends for."I said.

He stood there,his mouth slightly open and his eyes a little wider.I was vary much aware that i used Kabuto's words,but the difference was that I knew Izuna was a good person.

"Friends."he said smiling.

I nodded,"you've been so kind to me,ever since..."I trailed off.I didn't want to bring up the fact that Madara kidnapped me for my power.

"Ever since I've been here-."I started to say but I was cut off,I gasped when i was suddenly in his hold.

He hugged me tight.

"Thank you Rin."he said.

A smile slowly crept up on me.i had..a new friend.
It was now the afternoon and i was ordered to stay in my room till Madara came and got me.I spent most of my time with Izuna,since Madara only allowed me to spend time with him,and sometimes Obito.

I really wanted to make things right between us but i didnt want to upset him..

He did tell me not to talk unless i was spoken to.

Maybe if i-

The door opened and he was there.

I swallowed and slowly walked to him,my plans of making things right was crushed.he frightened me more then he ever did.

I kept my head down as i took my place next to him.he shut the wooden door and began to walk away,me following.

The tension was absolutely horrendous,Madara didn't say a word to me.

I followed as we walked down the ramp onto....sand?

I looked up.

I made sure to stay close to him,for only two reasons,I didnt want him to get mad and the second was this place was unknown to me.

Walking through a vary compacted forest,the sounds of birds filled the air.I couldn't help admiring the beautiful flowers and plants that grew here.

The colors were amazing.

"Rin."i heard him say.

Thats when my eyes got wider,i realized that i stopped walking and Madara was a couple steps foward.

"Im sorry!"I said quickly and returned to his side.

He didn't say anything,I only felt the touch of his hand on my shoulder.

I expected to be hit but what i got was...

A hug!!?

My eyes were big and my mouth slightly opened.what the hell was going on?why is Madara hugging me!i expected this from Izuna,b-but him?!

His arm was around me,and the other was just by his side.I was against his chest and the smell of him captivated me.

He finally let go and started walking again.I was in a shock,but i managed to snap myself out of it.

I smiled as i watched him walk away.what happened yesterday...was that his way of apoligizing?I closed my eyes while i thought about it some more.I didn't want to push it by talking to him,but something in me told me to try.

"Madara?"I softly said.

A few seconds passed."what."he replied.I took a deep breath and walked even closer to him.

"I'll try and control myself more."i said.Madara listened but didnt say anything.

He only nodded,"Why are we here anyways?"I asked.

He starred at me and i did to him.we both came to a complete stop.

No ones p.o.v.

He never answered her question.

Madara just stared at her,the sunset light kissed Rin's skin,and the small breeze flowed through her hair.

He admired her,as long with her beauty..but this wasn't like him at all.he never was involved with a woman romantically.nor did he want to be.

Rin starred into Madara's eyes with enchantment as well.she was aware that she began to develop feelings for him.

But it was hard for her to admit that,just like it was difficult for Madara to confess it as well.

He deeply regretted his action yesterday and if he could take it back he would,but he embraced her in a hug hoping it would be clear to her that he was sorry for what he did.

Rin started to feel fluttery in her stomach when his stare went to her lips.

Rin's eyes widened when his hand went up and started to reach for her face.

She was tense when it came in contact.

She blinked a couple of times when his hand caressed her cheek.

Is he going to kiss me?Rin thought.

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