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I opened my eyes once again.

It was dark,and i felt everything swaying...swaying...swaying?


I quickly looked around,IM ON A BOAT!

GOD DAMN IT!there's no way for an escape now!and i-

I tried to move but I couldn't,I realized i was restrained on a hands were tied down next to me.

I starred up at the ceiling.this is hopeless.
The only thing i know is that were going to hell valley,and that Itachi and the other shinobi were separated.

I just had to get stuck with Madara...on a boat!

I looked over at the window,seeing only water and mouth was dry.I havent eaten or drank anything since i got taken.

Im so thirsty...

Maybe if i,he'd probably get mad and hurt me again.

The cabin door opened,but i tried my best not to pay attention.Madara didn't say anything,I did hear him walking and rummaging,once he found what he was looked for,I heard the door close again.

He left...

I looked back up,I need to see what i can do with these restraints.ill swim back to freedom!no matter what it takes!

I pulled trying to sit up but it was no use.

"Come on!"I spat.

I activated my eyes and-

I gasped when a gloved hand covered my eyes,"I wouldn't."I heard Madara's voice.i thought he left the room?!I swallowed.there's no need to be afraid..but i could've sworn I heard that door close.

"W-Where are we?"I asked.he didn't say anything,nor did he remove his hand.

I opened my mouth to speak again but he cut me off.

"All you need to know is what you'll be doing for me."he said.

For him!

"What makes you think I'll do anything for you!"I asked angrily.

I heard him smirk,"Becuase now you belong to me."he said.

I stayed quiet,as i heard him get closer to me.

"Your going to do as i tell you,one way or another."he whispered in my ear.

I gulped.

"Sealing jutsu."Madara said,and i felt his hand remove from my eyes,but i still saw darkness.

He used a blindfolding jutsu..

Then hearing his footsteps,i started to cry.

"Wait!"I yelled.

I didn't get an answer,all i got was the sound of a door closing again.

This time he really left.

—three days later—
I've been laying here for 3 days,and i would only hear him come in,im guessing at night to sleep.I've been trying to listen and hear,I was trying to sense what was going far I got only his sleeping routine,but he hasn't talked to me since.

I began craving water more and more.

Im just going to mouth is dry,I don't know how long I could keep this up.

—later that day—
Hearing the door open,I bit my bottom lip.ok here goes nothing....I opened my mouth but no words came out.

Damn it..i just need to calm down..I slowed my heart rate..just breathe Rin,relax...

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