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Early in the morning i made my preparations for my departure.I was ready to leave tomorrow,I sighed."Time to train." i said walking to my room and got dressed.

I grabbed some kunai,about five and put them in my pouch behind my waist.then I ran out to the balcony and hopped up on the rail and jumped off.

I can't believe this is my last day,it wasn't fair that I had to move to the place that took me in after my clans murder.

Ten minutes later,I was at my training spot and on the rock again,I meditated and my hands were resting on my knees.focus on my chakra,i thought.I felt it surging through me.

Instead of blood minipulation,i was practicing the blood rasengan...this was the chinoikes prized jutsu.its been said that the fourth hokage had made amends with the chinoike clan,and in return they had showed and taught him that jutsu.

I opened my eyes and felt the two blood streams fall down my eyes and to my cheeks,i held out my hand,taking the kunai in my pouch I made a small slit in my palm.

I opened my eyes and felt the two blood streams fall down my eyes and to my cheeks,i held out my hand,taking the kunai in my pouch I made a small slit in my palm

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I did it.I slowly got up and looked at the tree that was below the waterfall.alright if I focus enough chakra into my palm,then I think I could add the explosive effect to it.

I jumped off the small cliff and as I flew closer to the ground I narrowed my eyes,aim for the tree.i wanna see how much damage I can do.

"Blood rasengan!"I yelled and threw it,It flew all the way down,once it hit the bark the tree cut in half.

Yes!finally I had managed to throw the rasengan,i landed and the tree fell over.

"Ha!"I said making a fist.

Focus Rin,I thought to is taijutsu,I quickly got into battle stance I jumped doing a flip and i quickly started to throw my kunai at every target that was carved on the trees around me.

I landed and looked up,all were in the middle of the target.i wielded hand signs.

"Firestyle:dragon flame jutsu!"i yelled and breathed in,as i exhaled A dragon appeared out of fire.

I smiled as it bulldozed forward,destroying everything in its path.

"Perfect."i said smiling,my firestyle is officially mastered.this means I've gained more control over my element.

I then frowned,the only thing i haven't mastered was my blood minipulation jutsu.creating dragons on blood took an enormous amount of chakra,it leaves me completely exhausted..

i shrugged.i'll never master it if i just complain about it.

No one's P.O.V.

"So how do we restrain him?"he said.

"From what this villager told us,we need to take him by surprise.we blindfold and gag him,he certainly knows alot about the clan,since there distinction from the Chinoike and the Uchiha,he's given us valuable increases our chances of kidnapping him successfully."he replied.

The others nodded.

"It's confirmed,we'll set out in a day."

Rin's P.O.V.
I was a little upset that Kabuto didn't show up to spare,I also got a little nervous,he's probably trying to convince Orochimaru not to tell those men where i am..

i sighed and began to walk home.I was hungry anyways...I listened to the birds,it's so peaceful here..but i wonder what the hidden stone is gonna be like..
Arriving home,i yawned and dragged myself to my room.

I sat on my bed,everything's ready for tomorrow...and all i need is to shower and change and go to sleep.Kabuto should be there at the village gate,precisely at 5am.

I got up and stripped and went into the bathroom,when i was in the shower,the slit in my hand began to burn.i winced and made a fist.I should've healed it when i got the chance.i activated my medical jutsu and healed the small cut.

-next day-
It was finally the time to leave,i had changed into the proper gear and had my bag ready.I made my peace with this place and set out,I traveled by the roofs so no one would see me.i had to avoid all human contact,I jumped to the top of the village gate.i took a deep breath and squated looking at the hidden cloud,"It was good while it lasted."i whispered.

I sighed and stood up.

"Hey."I heard a voice say,I turned around and there Kabuto stood.his hands in his pockets

"Hey."i said quietly.

He gave me a sympathetic look and handed me a map,"Just in case."he said and gave me a sad smile.

I took it,"Thanks for everything Kabuto.."i said,he only rolled his eyes.

"Calm down,this isnt the last time we'll be seeing each other he said,giving me a look.

"Calm down,this isnt the last time we'll be seeing each other he said,giving me a look

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Thats odd...i thought but i shook it off and gave him a hug,"I know..its just that im going to miss you."i said.

"Me to.."he replied hugging me back.

I savored this moment,I didn't wanna leave this village,I didn't wanna leave my bestfriend by himself.but I had to do what was best.

I let go of Kabuto and stood up straight.

I watched as he smirked and raised his fist to me,"I'll see you later,Rin."he said.

I half smiled and bumped my fist with his.

"Later."I said,he put his fist down as did i,i turned looking over the forest,here i go..

I jumped off the gate landing on the tree branch below,and hopped from each one that came across my path.Im really gonna miss it here..from the land of fire,to the land of lightning and nowto the land of earth.

I can't believe im leaving,all becuase of that stupid akuatski leader.instead of bieng sad that i was leaving,I now was extremely angry.i wondered who it could've been..

I rolled my eyes and kept on jumping.
My chest heaved up and down while i was panting.maybe it's time for a small breather..i thought,i stepped off the tree and landed on the floor.

I leaned back onto the tree and slid down,now sitting and panting i looked up at the leaves,"Almsot there..."i said tiredly.i closed my eyes,feeling the breeze blow.

Damn it,I still had a long ways to go.i can't believe I was already exhausted.i left at 5am,and according to the way that the suns shadow was hitting the earth,it seemed to be about 7pm.

I opened my eyes and pulled off my bag and placing it on my lap,grabbing a hard cylinder,I quickly opened it and chugged the water out of the bottle.

I've been running and jumping for the past fifteen hours,Hopefully this helps my chakra regenerate.

After I was done,I closed the bottle and placed it back into my bag,i stood up stretching my arms.

"Almsot there.."I said to myself.I grabbed my bag putting it on me and then i jumped,flying into the trees once again.

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