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Me and Izuna were recovering this whole time,and with the permission from Madara,we were allowed to move around.but i wondered where we were going to?I know for sure that especially now we cant go to the land of wind.his plan had gotten ruined by Danzo alerting everyone.

I had a slight limp in my walk and my forehead and stomach were wrapped up,and Izuna had a sling on his arm.

I fixed my hair as i starred into a windows reflection.I always hated the way I looked..

I pushed a strand behind my ear and walked to the side deck.

"Ow.."I muttered placing a hand on my stomach,where that woman stabbed me was my vital spot.She knew what she was doing but she didn't know who she was fighting.

But it still hurt!

I grabbed the wooden railing and sat on it.My feet dangaling overboard.i watched the waves overlap each other.

That dream i had last night...It was horrible.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing Madara's voice out of nowhere made me jerk,scaring me.

I lost my balance on the rail.


Before i could fall off,Madara grabbed my arm and quickly pulled me back on board.

Once the solid wood was on my feet,i crashed into his chest.I almsot fell off the ship!that was a close one.then realizing my hands were flat against Madara's chest,i looked up at him.

His eyes piercing mine,The wind rhustled through the air making my hair fly around me.

"Sorry.."I muttered.

Madara opened his mouth to speak,but i spoke before him.

"Also..I'd like to say thank you."I said starring at my feet.

"What?"he said confused.

I blushed,my hair covering up my face.Oh god...i knew this was going to be a bad idea.

"For the training,It really helped me fight better."I said stepping closer to him.I smiled,holding my own hands behind my back and waiting for his response,but as i expected i didnt get one.

My smile faded.I should probably go back to my room I thought.

I began to walk past him.

"Stop."he said.

I did,and turned looking at him.

"We're about to dock,follow me."He said pointing to the place next to him.


I went and began to walk as soon as i was next to Madara..this is always where he wants me.whenever i go anywhere on this boat,it always had to be next to him.

I wonder why..

I walked with Madara to the front deck,and into a cabin.this wasn't mine nor his,but its where the armory and weapons were.

"Get changed."he said.


I looked at my torn clothes then to him,"R-Right now?"I said stuttering.

"Ill be waiting outside."He said and walked out,closing the door behind him.

I walked to the small cabinet,there were clothes in here.seeing that it was all mens,i frowned.does he really expect me to wear mens clothes and not-

I suddenly saw an outfit folded,just the one.well i was the only woman here..

I stripped taking off my ruined attire and grabbed the clothing.I put it on and saw a broken mirror.

I went over to it,examining the way i looked,I also fixed my hair,leaving it down.I again put a strand behind my ear.when i was done,i opened the cabin door.i went straight to Madara.

I looked at him,his back was facing me.i let out a sigh and stood next to him,"Itachi will be waiting when we dock,stay by my side the entire time."he explained.

Seeing land in sight,I nodded at him for confirmation.

This must be the hidden village of rain..

"Can i-"I started to say but he cut me off.

"No."he said.

I frowned and crossed my arms,he never listens to me!

He began moving and i quickly followed,he stopped at the gate way,and while the other ninja put the ramp together Madara kept his glare to Itachi who was waiting below.

I took my precautions and stayed close to Madara when we approached him.

"Madara."Itachi said bowing slightly.
We've been walking for hours and the rain hadn't stopped since we got here,as we came up to a big metal building.I stopped when i saw the villagers look at Madara with fear.I swallowed,their faces worried me.what exactly was he capable of.

I gasped when my upper arm was grabbed and i was yanked from where i was standing and was roughly placed next to him again.

"Keep up!"Madara yelled.

He let go of my arm and started to walk again,i quickly did so.don't cry.i said to myself,why does he get so angry...

Once we were inside i made sure to stay next to Madara as we went up the flights of stairs.

We reached the top,and when the doors were opened,I took my place behind Madara.

There were six men...who all had the same features regarding there looks.

There was another i didn't know,he was half white and half black

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There was another i didn't know,he was half white and half black..who was he?

And finally Obito.

"I'm here..what do you want,Pain."Madara said.

"Ive asked you to come here becuase we have intel to share."Pain said.

"All the kage think you've all died in the hidden mist attack."Obito said.

What?but all the shinobi died?

"But they know that this woman is still alive."Pain said pointing at me.


"How would the kage know about this,Danzo is dead."Madara said.

"One of the ninja got away during the attack.thats how they know,the mizukage thinks you,Obito and Itachi are dead as long with your other shinobi."Pain explained.

THAT WOMAN!I eyes slightly must've been a shadow clone to!damn it!how could I be so careless!

"Following that,she's wanted in all five nations."Pain said.

I looked at him,and he looked at me,"I've came up with a solution."he said

"And that is?"Madara said crossing his arms.

"We kill her."Pain replied.

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