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Hinatas tears fell.

"N-ne-ji."she started to say but stopped once a hand was tightly wrapped around her neck.

She slowly looked up.

Meeting a pair of glowing eyes,sweat dripped down her face.she trembled with tears beginning to spill.


Before she could finish saying that word seven branches of blood emerged through her body.killing her instantly

Everyone who was there all glared at her with wide eyes and fear pulsing through them.

Its that woman!Kiba thought taking a step one knew what to do.the ninja there knew better then to attack.there only order was to flee on sight if they came across a woman with white hair.

But no one dared to move.

Rin turned her head,dropping the body.her eyes landed on the rest of them.

They all seemed to freeze in place.

But a second later,one ninja managed to move his feet.cuasing everyone to realize that they really stood no chance.she was out of their league.

There was only option for them all.

"RUN!"Kiba yelled and took off.

She watched everyone scatter.

How are dead people running?she thought and raised her hand.

Dragons,like the one she used before erupted from the ground,letting out there panic raising roar.

All ten thousand shinobi had stopped as the various dragons towered over them.

"She has us trapped!"

"What do we do!"

"We have to fight!"

"We'll die if we do that!"

These ninja are all going to perish.

Her body moved faster then light itself.

She was in the crowd slashing everyone she came into contact with.using many of her terrifying attacks.body parts were flying in the air,blood was being poured from bodies,souls were being stolen away from the dragons that she spawned.she cut them in half in twos,in fours.

She didn't care who she killed.

They thought she was just going to accept Madaras death.

They were wrong.

Rin sliced Kibas arm off.he yelled in agony as he placed his other hand on top.but she had also made a giant gash on his chest,exposing his innards.

Kiba fell to the ground and died.

Shino stumbled over his foot.Rin turned to him.his eyes widnened as he moved back and began to run away.

Rin raised her foot and stomped on the ground,making it shake,and split apart almost instantly.

Shino wasn't fast enough to outrun one more then a thousand fell in,the crack had slammed back together.crushing the people inside.

Rin grabbed anyone that was near her.killing them without thinking twice.

She ripped out hearts,she beheaded,she tore limbs off.

Tenten had fallen,and she only amashed her head in with her foot.Lee watched his friends die before his eyes,and his comrades being attacked in a grusome way.

With tears,he took off towards her,raising his leg.

I'll avenge my friends!I'll do it by taking you down!he thought as he neared her.I'll do it and make my sensei proud!i wont let his death be in vein!

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