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Rins P.O.V.
"Sensei,I found one!"I called out and looked at the river I just found.

After 3 hours of training Obito had told me to find a river to drink from.we both were scouting for one.well we no longer were now.

I took my shoes off as I smiled,this was beautiful.i never knew the land of rivers had a scenery like this.i took a few steps closer and starred at the clear looked so refreshing!

I put my foot in,so cold!i pushed it away and walked in.

It actually wasn't that bad.i took a few more steps till it was a little more above my ankles.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing Obitos voice didn't stop me,"I didn't say to find a river to swim in."he said.

I laughed,"Sensei you should come in!"I said as I walked a little deeper.

"Rin..."he said sighing.

"Come on!i promise you'll love it."I said.

I turned around and looked at Obito.i know I was suppose to be training but it was also important that I had time to relax.

I waved him over and kicked my leg slightly,splashing water towards didn't reach,but he got my point.

"I know you want to."I said smiling.

Obito gave me a small half smile,"15 minutes."he said and turned walking away to a tree.

I watched as he leaned against the trunk,arms crossed.

I looked down to my feet,with a smile still on my face."Oh,sensei.."I said taking a deep breath.

After those 15 minutes me and Obito were waking back to the training grounds.i was getting pretty tired.i didn't know if we were going to train or not.

"Where's Madara?"I that I was thinking about it,I haven't seen him in a while.

"He went to talk with Nagato."he replied.

Nagato?i thought.why would he want to talk with him?I'll ask him myself when he comes back.I don't wanna swarm Obito with questions right now.

The thought of Madara slowly crept inside my head.i felt myself blushing.when he killed Ibiki,I saw anger in his eyes.was he...was he worried?Ibiki didn't have to die.but Madara had killed him.

"Why haven't you told him yet?"Obito asked.

My heart skipped a beat,"w-what!"I replied.

"I was in your mind for two days couldn't stop thinking about Madara.."he said.

I swallowed and began fidgeting with my hands.this is so embarrassing..

"S-so..that doesn't have to mean anything-"I started to say but Obito cut me off.

"Lying is useless..I know how you truly feel towards him."he said.

Did Obito really know what I was thinking?!well he was in my mind for quite some time.he heard every thought I had.

"I know you do..."I said sadly,I'm just realizing that I still haven't confessed how I felt to him.after so many times I kept promising myself I would.

"No need to get depressed."Obito said.

I smiled and kept my gaze forward.Obito truly wants what's best for me.i stopped walking.

Obito did to,"your right!"I said.

"I do need to tell him.ill overcome my fear and just tell him!!"I yelled.

Obito gave me a smile.

I smiled back and clenched my fist and slammed it into my palm softly.i can do this..he's going to know how I feel one way or another.
———back in the hideout———

Obitos P.O.V.
"Kamui!"I said as my left eye widened.

The air swirled in front of me,and the wind picked up drastically.

Madara finally had become visible.i let my hands fall to my sides,"any information?"I asked.

"Yes."he simply said and walked past me,I followed.i wondered what had happened.something must be bothering him,he's walking straight into the akuatski hideout.

What was up with him?he's in such a hurry.

He went down the hall where the small rooms were at.suddenly I realized why he was anxious.

Walking up to where Rin was staying,he opened the door and looked inside.

Seeing him stare at her made me worried.what had happened in the rain village?what did Nagato do?there had to be some kind of reason.

"Madara?"I said taking a step back as he closed her door.

He looked at me,"Pain and Itachi are coming to take Rin."he said.

"Itachis really revived!"i said angrily.

"Yes,I killed Nagato and exposed his plan to him and Pain are working together,at first they were fighting to see who would get the job done for Orochimaru,but it ended up differently."Madara explained.

"I thought Itachi was with the hidden leaf."i replied.

"He isn't.he only made it look like he was with them by attacking us with them."he said.

Bastard!Itachi was a double agent.theres no trusting that ninja.and his plan was to kidnap Rin for well as Pain.

"Until they arrive,I want you to keep a look out and stay with Rin at all times."he said.

I nodded,"Right."I replied.

"I'm going to go give the akuatski there formation."he added and walked away.

I watched as he left.i was fuming with anger as much as he was.i made a fist and turned to the door.i placed my fist gently onto it.

No matter what,I'm not going to let anything happen to you...

Rins P.O.V.

Again,I was training this time it was inside the cave,i had got the hang of the my blood appearing without me having to draw it.but some justus that took more chakra had to have blood drawn.but the others were getting easier and easier.

Obito stood a few feet away,he was watching me every move.when I woke up this morning,he had ordered me not to wonder off,I was thinking why,but i didn't ask.

I closed my eyes,I was feeling multiple sparks going through me.i must be getting closer..

Obito and Madara both knew the full extent of the chinoike clan,since they both studied them and memorized the justus and the ketseryugan eyes power.


I heard Madaras voice behind me,I smiled.

"Hey Ma-"I started to say but I quickly stopped when I saw...


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