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No ones P.O.V.
She still has the strength to take on these leaf shinobi,did this woman have no weaknesses when it came to fighting for her comrades?

He watched as she held up her small yet growing rasengan.

He understood her opponents.they were powerful,and he was getting slightly excited.they all were no match for her,even in the state she was in,she still held great power.

Obito was watching just as Sasuke was,even they knew it.

Kakashi of the sharingan was no match,Yamato the user of wood style wasn't,Naruto the nine tails jinchuriki wasn't.

How pathetic.he thought as she finally shoved the rasengan down into Kakashi,the earth began to rumble even more.everything was getting destroyed.smoke and debree we're beginning to fog his view.

It's about time.he thought.

He grabbed his gunbai and jumped off the edge of the cliff.

He grabbed his gunbai and jumped off the edge of the cliff

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Rins P.O.V.
I panted as the smoke cleared.


Kakashi was gone?!

Damn it!

I looked over to Sasuke,I thought I had him.but if me and Sasuke were to take him,he'd be dead in an instant.but there were the rest of the-

"I thinks it's about time you retreated..leaf shinobi."

My head perked up.was that?

I turned.


Only Yamato,and Kakashis eyes widened,they all held a look of shock.

"Who is this Kakashi sensei?!"Naruto yelled in frustration.

I could use this to my advantage!i ran towards Sai,Sakura and Yamato.

I weaved hands,"Firestyle:phoenix flower jutsu!"I yelled and inhaled,i exhaled a great ball of flame.

"Watch out!"Naruto yelled.

I made a fist,and half smiled looking at Madara.he gave me a simple nod.

I've got it.i'lldestroy everyone right here right now.

"Shadow clone jutsu!"Naruto yelled,multiple clones appeared all around me.i weaved hand signs.

"Bloodstyle:blood geyser!"I shouted and raised my palms up.aiming for where Narutos clones were at,multiple geysers of blood shot out from underneath them.

All of them disappeared as soon as they were hit.

"Sasuke!"I yelled and pointed to the only Naruto left.

"Yeah."he calmly said and ran towards him.he weaved hand signs.

"Chidori!"he yelled and jumped up.

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