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No ones P.O.V.
She has no idea..

He smiled to himself as began to laugh.

How pitiful!he thought.

Now he could really use Rin to her full extent!if she doesn't know,and the rest of her comrades then that would defiantly mean there fall!

"This is perfect."he said as sweat dripped from his forehead.

She was playing into his hands,and that means he could defiantly take part in this that his master had suddenly disappeared,he wouldn't pass up this chance.

It's not everyday that you could control a legendary woman.

He cringed as his arm began to clench itself on the inside.if he was going to be in this war,then he would defiantly have to get stronger.

He knew everyone else was doing the same.

But Rin...

That name had been heard all across the nations.her existence was known all over.the strongest woman alive,and the most powerful.she was feared by all.

She's made a name for herself.he thought as he smirked.

I always thought she was going to be a nobody.someone who would die without knowing love of any kind.

The only downside to all of this,was that she couldn't be easily manipulated anymore.that was one of her greatest weaknesses.

She was no longer helpless.

That shouldn't be a problem anymore.I'm going to get stronger,and fulfill my masters wishes.I'm going to corrupt this world.he thought.

As long as Rin and everyone else around her doesn't know the truth about what's inside her,then everything should go according to his plan.

Another excruciating pain spread throughout his arm once again.he clenched his jaw as his free hand grasped his wrist tightly.

he clenched his jaw as his free hand grasped his wrist tightly

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"I'm coming...Rin."
Rins P.O.V.
I was walking once again,this time behind everyone.

I took a deep breath,I've already made a plan on what I was going to.i planned to take the village out with one blow.

I didn't intend to stay long.but any inconvenience that might happen,Sasuke was ordered to take me back no matter what.

Unfortunately,if I had to fight anyone I would have to.

Madara and Obito were gong to be watching me carefully,but I didn't want the risk of anyone knowing that they were going to be in the village.

All this time I've been thinking and changing what I was going to that I was assured on my own plan,I was completely motivated.

I would enter,attack,then leave...

"Where am I supposed to go after?"I asked myself.

I always seemed to forget that part.but I would have Sasuke there with me,and he remembered everything.


I had some things on my mind that I wanted to tell Madara about.

It was mostly the part of the plan that I didn't know about.but I've figured out most of it.Obito claimed to be Madara at the summit to confuse all of the kage.he had proclaimed he wanted to create a nation,one where our kind would only reside in.

But,that was Obitos ambition.

It wasn't Madaras.

I took a deep breath,what was he getting from all of this.what was he going to gain?what was his real goal?

So many questions filled my mind.

What are you doing?i thought as shook my head.i shouldn't be thinking about this now...

I still have time.

My eyes moved all around me,what could I do?what can I say?

I frowned,all there was around me was snow.




I leaned forward,placing my hand onto the ground gathering as much as I could fit in my hand.i balled it up and acted natural.

Who should I go for?they were all open targets for me!

I nervously smiled as I focused on all three of hand clutched the snowball as I raised my arm.

"Take this!"I yelled grabbing all of there attention.i threw it.

I watched as the snowball hit Madara.

Ha!it ended up hitting him!

Madaras eyes narrowed towards me.

I began laughing as I pointed to him.

That was so amusing for some reason,even though he lacked a reaction,it still made me laugh.

"Come on!you could be on my team!us against Obito and Sasuke!"I said in excitement as I bent down for another handful of snow.

It's been a long time since I've played this.back when I was in Konoha,me and my two friends I had would always do this when it snowed.

When I stood back up,Madara had walked past Obito and was coming straight for me with a look that seemed to tell me to stop acting like a child.

When he approached me,he grabbed my wrist that held the ball of snow,as if to tell me to drop it.

And I did so.

He sighed and looked at me for a moment before dragging me back to where I had to always I passed Obito it looked as if he was trying not to laugh.i looked to Sasuke who looked elsewhere and had his arms crossed,but a small smile was plastered on his face.

I smiled to the both of them.

All who was left to smile at me was Madara.

He's been serious this whole time we were traveling.

We all started to walk again,this time I had to stay next to Madara.not that it was bad,it's just I'm sure that I had lost the privilege to walk wherever I wanted.

But,it doesn't matter.

I'd rather walk next to him anyways.

I laughed to myself.i wonder what would happen if I had hit someone else.maybe they would've joined in.

I could imagine the look on there faces.

At times like this,I would wish that Izuna would be here.

He was most likely to join me in a snowball fight.

He wasn't frightened of Madara,even when he was mad.thats one thing that we didn't have in common.

But then again,that didn't really matter to me.

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