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(Filler chptr)

—one week later—
"Thank you so much Chie."Reo said as she bowed.

She smiled and nodded,"no problem."she replied as she cradled Rin in her arms.

"We'll be back."Maru said as he placed his hand on Reos back,indicating for her to walk.when she did,he took his place next to her.this was going to take both of there effort.Reo was scared to leave her child alone.after what happened to the village,she's been terrified ever since.

But it was to convince Marus clan.

Her husband had explained to her what happened and what he was going to do.

She agreed with everything.she believed in what he was trying to do.she wanted a better future for Rin.

——hours later——
"Do you have any idea what this is all about,Fugaku?"asked Daiki.

"No,all Maru said to do,was to tell the clan to gather here in the main hall."he answered.

Mikoto stayed silent as the two men exchanged theories

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Mikoto stayed silent as the two men exchanged theories.

This wasn't something to be talked about aloud.she thought.this was going to be troublesome and she was surprised when Fugaku told her that Reo was going to attend.this was off,her and Reos husbands were both were leaders of the clan.since they were brothers they shared the why didn't Fugaku know what this meeting is about?

What exactly were they going to say?and why did they need the entire clan to hear it?

"I have a feeling it's going to important."Daiki said.

"You may be right."Mikoto uttered to herself.

Itachi stayed hidden as he watched his clan members walk into the main hall.

Itachi stayed hidden as he watched his clan members walk into the main hall

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This was odd,even the women were allowed to attend.there were mostly kunoichi..but he did catch the sight of his mother.

Itachi was now thirteen years old.

A few weeks before he murdered his clan.

Working as a double agent for the village and his own clan,he was given a mission to eavesdrop on the meeting.children like him weren't allowed to attend by there leaders orders.

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