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Rins P.O.V.
My eyes slowly opened.

What happened?

I don't think I-

WAIT IZUNA!he was here!in front of me!i remember it!


My eyes widened when I heard his voice.

"Sasukes genjutsu put you out for so long."

I turned my head.

He was here..

He knelt next to me,"I was getting worried for a second-"he started to say but the next thing I knew my body just moved.

I tackled him in a hug.

Making Izuna fall on his back,I couldn't believe this.he was here,I'm seeing him again...after all this time.

Izunas arms slid around me as well.

"It's been a while."he said.

I couldn't hold back my tears,I thought...I thought I would never see him again!

Me and Izuna stayed like this.remembering all the memories we had shared,the feeling of each other's touch.



"You Idiot!"I yelled and punched his chest as I sat up.

I pointed at him,"I could've saved you back then!"I yelled.

Izuna stared at me for a second,then smiled,"Rin,I-"he started to say but I cut him off.

"You left us!me!and Madara!"

"I missed you so much!it was so hard without you!!"

Tears streamed from my eyes,I was angry with him.but I was happy to see him again.raising my arms I wiped my eyes over and over again,but they just kept coming.

Izuna stood up,with a grin on his face as my tears dropped on him like rain.

"I'm sorry..."

His arms outstretched to me,his hands were placed on my shoulders.

"I was being careless when it happened."

Careless?it sounded a lot like was one of the many traits he had.

"S-stupid.."I muttered.

Sasuke watched the both of them as they joined in a hug once again.

He had a small that he thinks about it,it was only natural for these two to be friends.Rin would always take any chance to talk and mess around.Izuna would probably join in with her.

It may be a happy reunion now..but Sasuke had to be on his guard.who was the reanimation caster?and what was his purpose...
No ones P.O.V.

That's it?

As Madara stood atop a large branch,he looked down to all of the kage.

This was truly pathetic.he thought.

With the last remaining strength Tsuande had,she managed to open her eyes.

With the last remaining strength Tsuande had,she managed to open her eyes

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