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Fear struck me after those words left his mouth.i know who he is now...

he had to be,Sasuke Uchiha.

I caught sight of Madara,who was standing at a fair distance from us.i should go to him!i don't want to fight this guy!

Before i took a step,Madara gave me a nod and looked at Sasuke.

I took a shaky and fearful breath,he wants me to fight him!

I was quick to oppose and shook my head.

I didn't want to do this,it was an unnecessary fight!

I gasped when Sasuke got into battle stance,i narrowed my eyes at Madara,and took off running in his direction.he'll protect me!

Madara kept his glare on me as i got closer to him,but i also heard fast approaching footsteps behind me.

I turned my head and my eyes widened.he was gaining on me.

He weaved signs and i quickly tried to analyze what he was gonna do,I looked back at Madara going even faster.

(play this bbys!!)

Wait!i've heard that sound before!!that jonin used that same exact jutsu when Obito fought that kakashi guy.


I heard him yell the name,and from the corner of my eye,i saw the ball of lighting he held.

"I'll put Madara in danger if i continue at this rate,i know he could easily destroy Sasuke in a heartbeat but i would never put him in harms way.

DAMN IT!i yelled in my head and immediately stopped.i quickly turned around,just as i did Sasuke's fist came at me.

If i get hit with that chidori,who knows what kind of damage i'll take,i ducked just in time and swiped my legs under to trip him.

He jumped away before it hit them,i stood back up.

"I don't wanna fight you!"i yelled.

He starred at me with rage.

I won't back down.i thought.i have to do this for Madara.

"I don't give a damn what you want."he said,and charged for me.

My expression angered as i charged for him to.if he wants to fight,THEN SO BE IT!

We both hit are forearms against each others,just as we quickly glanced at one another as well.

All of a sudden he was in front of me-all i could see was his dark figure and eyes.

One of them got closer and closer,till it was all black.I angered and weilded hand signs,this won't work on me.

"Release."i said.

I was back to reality,"Your genjutsu won't work on me."i said.

We landed on the ground,i was actually suprised,he tried putting me in a genjutsu while we were in motion.

I slightly gasped when he already began to attack me with his fists.

He's fast.

I dodged and analyzed him,i need to know his techniques and skills.I went for a punch,but he easily dodged it,i jumped back and weaved signs.

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