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I didn't expect Zetsu to betray me...


What can I do..

I've let everyone down..

Obito,Sasuke..and Rin.

Im not worthy for them anyway..all i did was cause them suffering.Madara thought as he starred into the starry sky.

Madara thought as he starred into the starry sky

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I feel so weak..

Rin fell to her knees beside Madara.

"D-don't worry!your going to be okay!"she said as she formed a sign with her hands.

Madaras eyes averted to her.

"What are you doing?"he asked.

"Dont your strength."Rin said making another sign with her hands..i don't sense Hagoromo in me anymore.

which means i....

I cant...


"I wont!"she shouted.

Its like he knew he was going to d..die!but theres no way im going to...let...that..happen...

But there's nothing i can do... no where inside me..and i..she thought.

"madara.."she whispered as her tears began to fall.

"Why are you wasting your time on me...after what i did-"he started to say but Rin cut him off.

"I don't care what you did!your still important to me and i cant lose you!"Rin cried.

It was quiet for a moment.

"I see..."he replied.

"Then that means...there's a chance."

"Rin.."he said lifting his weak hand to hers and placing it on top.

With her blurry vision she looked at him.

"Cou..ld you..ever forgive me?"he asked.

Rin held his hand tightly clenching her jaw to keep her sobs in.

"Of course I f-forgive you!"

"I love you Madara!!"she shouted and began to let out her heartbreaking cries.

That was the first time,Madara had heard those words.

And it made him happier then he could ever be.he slightly smiled.

he slightly smiled

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