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Rin's P.O.V.

slowly my consciousness came back to me.i felt alot of pain as i opened my eyes.

What?where am i?what happened?,so many questions filled my head.

It was dark and cold,only the small glow from a fire,i starred at the rocky ceiling.

I turned my head,Obito?he was sitting on a chair next to the bed and his eyes were closed.

He's sleeping...

I could barley smile,but i managed to move my arm.i squeezed my eyes shut as a pain shot up my arm.

I couldn't!I let my arm fall onto the bed,tears welled up in my eyes as i gazed at him.

"obi-to."my raspy voice was no use,i began to cough violently.damn! my ribs!

Hearing him stir,i heard Obito say my name."Rin?"he said.

Feeling blood start to leak from the side of my mouth,i looked at him again.

"Rin!"he said a little louder, he shot up from his chair and put his arm around my shoulders supporting my head.

"Damn it Rin!"Obito said as the small stream of blood flowed.

I felt something inside of me,it was moving and flustering around!

"SASORI!"Obito yelled.

I looked and saw a guy with red hair and wore an akuatski cloak..

"Go and get Madara!"he ordered.

"Right."he replied and was gone.

I cried out in pain when my ribs and stomach were suddenly in death defying pain.

"Rin what's wrong?!"Obito said wide eyed.

I gripped his shirt tightly,balling it into my fists.this pain was unbearable!

It was like my body was falling apart!

On the other side of my mouth,a steady stream of blood now began to flow.

"obito."i managed to say looking at him.

"Hang in there Rin."he said holding me tightly,as he finished his sentence the sound of multiple footsteps was heard.

I sensed his chakra.


"She woke up just a little while ago."Obito said to Madara,he stood next to Obito and looked at me.

"I knew he would do something like this."he muttered.

"Itachi?"Obito asked,He nodded and weaved signs.

"Zetsu,be ready.Obito restrain her movement's."Madara ordered.

What?what are they gonna do to me?!?!?

Zetsu weaved hand signs as well,and Obito held my arms down.

"stop!"i tried to yell but even that put me in more pain.

"Make the insicion Zetsu."Madara said.

He nodded bringing out a blade.

My eyes widened,"no!stop!!!"i began to panic and struggle,i didn't care how much it hurt me.

"Try and stay still."Obito said calmly to me but it was useless,i began to twist and turn.

Zetsu placed the blade in between my ribs where Itachi had stabbed me,and pressed it into my skin.

Tears fell as i clenched my jaw,trying not to scream.

"OBITO MAKE THEM STOP!"I cried out in pain.

But no one listened,"You'll feel better in a little bit,your just going to have to take this Rin."Obito whispered to me.

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