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Kabuto stood with a calm look.but my expression angered,my heart rate sped up.

"Wasn't expecting to see you here."he said directly at Madara.

He didn't give him any response.then Kabuto's eyes averted to me,he only smiled.

"Rin."he greeted.

I shook slightly,"DON'T YOU DARE RIN ME!"i yelled pushing through Obito and Madara so i stood in front of them.

Kabuto started laughing,i clenched my fists.

"Come on,you cant possibly still be mad."he said shrugging

Obito grabbed my arm,and glanced at me through the small hole in his mask then looked back to Kabuto

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Obito grabbed my arm,and glanced at me through the small hole in his mask then looked back to Kabuto.

Obito grabbed my arm,and glanced at me through the small hole in his mask then looked back to Kabuto

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"Stand back,Rin."Madara said.

I wanted to put Kabuto in pain,but Madara basically told me not to.

What to do..

I quietly gasped when Obito pulled me back behind the both of them.

"Let's go."Madara said and began walking once again.

Damn it.i thought.

"Let's go."Obito whispered in a harsh tone,I eyed Kabuto in rage.

"Our friendship meant nothing."

His voice echoed in my head.

Then i realized.

He wasn't worth it,i shouldn't waste my time on him.

"Rin!"Madara angrily yelled.

I looked up to him,"right."i whispered to myself and walked to them.

I passed Kabuto as if he weren't there,Madara waited till i was next to him to start walking again.

That might've been the smartest desicion i have ever made.but i know Obito's glad i chose it.

I sniffed feeling his stare on my back.

It's time i forgot about Kabuto for good.i thought.

I felt Madara's eyes on me,but i didn't dare look back to him.I kept my gaze straight foward.i was trying to be on my best behavior,Obito sensei told me that was what i really needed to work on,it was hard with all the obstacles that came my way like Itachi,and now Kabuto.but now i made my desicion to completely erase him from my mind.someone who betrays his friend isn't worthy of acknowledgment.I blinked back dad used to always say that to me,he wanted me to have great friends.he said it was important..
Still walking,i began to feel extremely tired.

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