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As the sunset grew more radiant,Naruto saddened at the sight he looked down to.

As the sunset grew more radiant,Naruto saddened at the sight he looked down to

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With his hands in his pockets,he smiled at the thought of Sai.the friend he couldn't stand when he first met.but Naruto never regretted there hate towards each other.

If it wasn't for that,our bond would have never been made.he thought as he smiled to himself.

Even with Yamato...he missed his two comrades dearly.even so,with them gone he felt like he had gotten more understanding to that word....comrades...he swore that he wouldn't let anyone else die.


Hearing the voice of Sakura,he turned around.she was running over with a smile on her face.Naruto waved at her.

"What's up!"he said as she approached.

"I'm just checking to see if your ok."she said as she smiled softly.

"Never been better."Naruto said giving her a thumbs up.

Sakura nodded,"great,we're all waiting for you."she said.

"We're?"Naruto questioned as he looked behind Sakura.

Neji,Lee,Tenten,Hinata,Kiba,Shino,Choji,Ino,and Shikamaru all stood at the entrance of the memorial grounds.

Narutos smile got even bigger as he looked to all his friends.

A breeze flew past,Sakura stared at Naruto...she knew he needed this more then anything right now.his training could wait one day.

"Thank you Sakura."he said.

Sakuras eyes slightly widened,"Naruto..."she muttered as she blushed.

It wasn't that big a deal...she thought.but in her heart she knew it was.

"Lets go,we can't keep everyone waiting."she said grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards them all.

Naruto felt at ease,like the pressure had just risen off his shoulders.

"Right."he whispered to himself.

Rins P.O.V.
The hidden leaf village.

I starred at the wretched place before my eyes.i felt nothing but hate.I stood there on top of the fifth hokages carved face that showed on the cliff.

I saw people that I had once knew,and it only brought great sorrow to me.but my hate would wash over it,making me eager to destroy it.

It's up to me after all.i thought as a breeze whipped past.

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