1.9K 52 9

I looked at Obito when i stood back at my spot.

"I said you could leave."I said throwing the kunai.He watched as it flew through the air and hit the trunk.

"I heard,but I don't take orders from you."he said.

I grabbed another weapon gripping onto it i care who he took orders from.this guy can really make me get into a bad mood.

I turned and faced him.a frown on my face,and he matched the same brain began to analyze options.should i take him on?that would make him shut up.

I bet i could defeat him.

Should i?

We starred each other down.a few intense moments passed and I had finally made my decision.

I can.

I activated my eyes,and then as quick as a flash my foot was raised,I was about to kick him with full force,you'll be out in no time!

I inhaled sharply when he caught my ankle in his hand.

He looked at me,and smirked.

"You honestly think you could take me on."He stated tightening his hold on my ankle.

I felt my eyes surge with power,fine if he wont let go then I'll just have to try harder!

I grabbed a kunai and-

Suddenly I was on the eyes widened.


He put his arm down,I looked up at him.what just happened?!i thought.i felt anger pump through me as I swiped my leg to trip him but it went directly through his legs!

It must be a technique!I couldn't make contact with my attacks.

Forget that!i stood and got into battle stance.i underestimated him.

"I don't think you wanna to do this."he said.

Its time I used my jutsu,I pulled out a kunai and sliced a slit on my palm.

Obitos eyes slightly widened.i let my blood fall to the ground.i quickly weaved signs,"Blood manipulation jutsu."I said.

My hair started to fly up and the tears of blood came out.Obito looked as calm as ever as he took a step back.I brought up my hand.

He starred at me as if he was going to predict my next move.

A sharp pointed blood rod came out of the slit on my palm,i aimed straight at him.

I let it go,it shot out of my wound.but as i expected it went straight through him.

Damn it!my analyzation was correct.

I ran to him,I knew i had to time things right if I wanted my attacks to be effective.I kicked up,but it went through.

He threw a punch,and i knew speed was crucial,i dodged and as quick as i could i landed one striaght to his face.

The hit didnt take effect,but i jumped and kicked him striaght into his also didn't do anything.its like i had no strength..I was weak?!

He grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Im not here to fight you."he said and slightly pushed me back.

"Yeah? Well i do!"I said.

I grabbed the kunai on the floor and started to try and slash him with it,he dodged like it was nothing.

"Stop before you get hurt."he said.

"Just shut up-"I started to say and before i could finish,i felt a jab hitting my most vital chakra point.

I was frozen!

I felt myself falling to the ground,but before i could even hit it,Obito caught me.

I couldn't move!im numb!!this is what Madara did to me when i tried to escape from him.Obito laid me on my back and knelt beside eyes went back to normal as i so stupid!why didn't I dodge!but i realized complaining now wouldn't do anything but make me look more weak.

Just then,he pulled out a bandage from my pouch that was attached to my waist,he grabbed my hand that has a small slit and started to wrap it.

"Your reckless when you fight."he said.

"Shut up.."I muttered trying to move but it was completely useless.

He let out a small laugh and then tightened the bandage.why is helping me?i just attacked him..he looked at me.

"Hmph."I looked away.

His two fingers pointed at my stomach,he softly pressed the chakra point he had cut off.he stood up in front of fingers began to move.

I sat up slowly.i can move again!

I let out as quiet gasp when he put out his hand in front of me.

I looked up at him.his expression was the same.a serious look.i swallowed and put my hand in his,he helped me up.

"You have potential Rin."he said.

Im not gonna lie,i didn't like Obito at first..but know i dont seem to mind having him around.

"Thanks."I replied.i wiped my warm blood tears off my face then pulled my composure together.

"I should get back to training."I said.

Obito nodded and reached into his pouch that was behind his back.he pulled out three kunai from his supply.

That's nice I thought.I took them from him,giving him a small smile.

"Thanks."i said and turned to the tree with the target.

"Bend your wrist to the left this time."he said.

I nodded,alright here it goes.i thought as I bent my wrist.


Before i threw the kunai,i heard Izuna's anxious voice.i looked up to see him running to me and Obito.

"Izuna?what's wrong?"i asked.

"The Mizukage."he said as he panted.

"They know were here.."

"What do you mean??"I said grabbing his arm,since he was holding his side.

My eyes widened,"Izuna!your injured!"I yelled as i saw blood oozing from his hand.

"We have to get back!"I said.

"They burned it."he said.


I was starting to panic,Madara isn't here!I don't know what to do!

"Rin."Obito said.

I looked up at him,before he could speak more then a dozen mist shinobi surronded us.

I gasped,I had no time to fight!I had to heal Izuna first!

Suddenly he yelled out in pain,and fell foward,"Izuna!"I yelled and caught him before he could hit the ground but his weight pulled me down.

I landed on my knees and Izuna fell on top of me.I held onto him tightly as I looked around in fear.what do I do?!

"Izuna!"I called but then my eyes widened,he's unconscious!!

"IZUNA!"I yelled.

His head lay on my chest,and his eyes were closed,I had my hand on the back of it and the other arm hugged him close to me.

I don't know what to do!

I felt tears fall as the mist ninjas got closer to us,I put my head down,My forehead touching the top of Izuna's head.

"Get away!"I shouted.

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