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I was panting,sparring with Obito was difficult.i couldn't land a hit on him because he would use his kamui.

"You have to be quick Rin.your lacking speed."he said and charged straight for me.

"Stimulating your chakra is one of the things you can't do well."he said grabbing my arm.

I jumped even with his hold,I brought my leg to his face,this one would for sure hit!he's holding my arm.

My conclusion was wrong,"That's how your going to break your own arm!"he scolded as my leg went through his head.but my arm was now free.

I again put some distance between us,how the hell was I suppose to beat him!

"There's no time to think during a battle!"

I gasped when a sharp metal rod was flying my way,I threw myself to the right and hit the floor.the rod struck the wall hard,making a small crater around it.I looked back at Obito.

I hopped on my feet and went for him.

"Attacking recklessly will get you killed!"he said as he brought his leg up and slammed his foot in my stomach.

I flew back,the force was unbelievable!

This time I hit the wall hard,Obito was already in front of me with a kunai pointing straight to my neck.

"Your dead."he said.

I starred at the sharp tip of the weapon.i can't believe I lost again!im to slow!and he said it was all about my speed..I lacked it,not to mention my jutsus had no affect on him.

I felt my body lean to exhausted to stop myself from falling.


I heard Sasukes voice coming from the other side of the room.Obito caught me from head rested on his shoulder and I got a glimpse of Sasuke.

Whatever...I thought.

"I'm ready."Sasuke said.

Obito ignored him,"Are you okay?"he asked.

I nodded,"yeah but I would be careful..he might kill you after this match is over."I muttered.

He gave an half smile and stood up.i watched as he turned and walked to Sasuke who was already looking annoyed.i looked away from both of them,I closed my eyes and placed my hand on my stomach.the technique for a faster healing was to first heal your stomach so it can spread through.

My exhaustion increased,damn it.not enough chakra..I opened my eyes.Sasuke was using that same jutsu Kakashi used.i hated it,the chidori was dangerous.

I got up slowly,and began to walk to the exit,"Chidori!"Sasuke yelled.

How did Kakashi and him know that jutsu,they both use they have some sort of connection?

Wait,it doesn't matter.i shouldn't even care.its not my concern.i thought as I walked out of the small court yard and ran through the hall,even though I had a low amount of chakra,i think I could get some extra training in before they lock down.

Maybe I could work on my explosive rasengan,I haven't yet named it properly...Obito doesn't know about this..last time he forbid me of using explosive jutsu..I understood why,but it was powerful..and I wanted to talk to someone with more knowledge of it.

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