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Rins P.O.V.
Me and Sasuke arrived at our hidden post in the far outer village.and what I meant by that,is where our clan used to live.It was painful,but I dealt with it with many difficulties.

As I was about to walk in.i spotted Madara standing in the field next door,watching the sunset with his gunbai in hand.

i spotted Madara standing in the field next door,watching the sunset with his gunbai in hand

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I would normally go over there,but Madaras mood changed once we set foot in Konoha.i decided him to let him be for once.but the real reason was because I was sad to be her.and wasn't really in a talking mood.

As we walked inside,Sasuke had went in a different direction almost instantly.

I knew where he was going...

His home.

I had watched as he disappeared from my I want to do the same?i thought to myself.

Go to my old home...and go through those terrifying memories again.

I didn't know..

I placed my hand on my hip,feeling my fathers headband beneath my clothes.where my parents sacrificed themselves for me.

I shook my head as I started to walk again.

These empty streets used to be full of life.these homes...were once filled with the love of a family..

*Daddy look!*


Hearing the sound of my younger voice echoed throughout my head.

I looked to the wall next to me.

Me and my mother painted these crests on the wall long ago..

I remember like it was yesterday...the weather,the way the air smelled,the way my mother and father looked,and my only two friends that I had at the academy helping the three of us.

My hand reached out as I walked,my fingers grazing against the wall softly.

I wish I could bring back those days.

When I was happy,when I was loved...but I couldn't really complain,now I had people who truly cared and loved me just as my parents did.

But for so long,i went through unbearable loneliness,and fear.

There was nothing that I could do or say to relive the pain of the past...

I didn't want to anyway.

As I went deeper inside,I knew that my house was going to appear in front of me shortly.

My home was the vary last house,it was a little isolated from everyone else's places,but I didn't really care now.back then I used to always complain to my mother that my friends lived to far away from me.all she did was laugh and pat my head.

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