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No ones P.O.V.
"What do you mean I have to be with a group of jounin at all times?"Naruto asked.

"It's just a safety precaution."Tsuande said.

"We can't let you put yourself in reckless danger."she added as she crossed her arms.

"It's for the best Naruto."Sakura said.

Kakashi glared at his remaining squad.he'd gone through many lengths to presuade Tsuande on protecting Naruto with a squad of jounin.

"Who do you take me for granny."Naruto stated as he took a step forward.

"It's like you have no faith in me or any of us."

"Don't you believe that we can-"he started to say but was cut off.

"It's not that."Tsuande said.

"I'm sure you know what we're up against.but if you go out and get yourself killed,then there's no telling our chances at victory."

"It's not just you either,I've put Neji in charge of a squad from his own clan.they'll be the ones to capture or kill Rin,and you'll probably be with that team."she explained.

It struck a chord inside Naruto when the word kill came out of Tsuandes mouth.

This whole time,Naruto had the mind set that when he finally captured Rin,he would bring her back here..never giving a single thought of what would happen to her.

"You still want her dead.."he said.

"You still want her alive."the hokage replied.

It was silent in the room.

Here we go again..Tsunade thought.Naruto and her both argued over this almost every time they saw each other.

With Kakashi who had his eyes on Naruto and his hands placed in his pockets,and Sakura who was worried that the tension between Naruto and Tsuande might get out of hand.there was no controlling what he was going to say next.

"I've entrusted you with the research,and you've been in combat with her should know by now,that this woman is a deity.she said.

Sakura read those scrolls as well.shes never heard of a human who possessed that much power.after she had read them throughly she was nervous to go into this war and face her...she even regretted saying to Naruto that she would take that woman down on her own.

Rin was out of her league.

Just like everybody in this room was.but maybe Naruto had a chance..and even her sensei.

"In the worse case,Madara might even join the fight with Rin to kill you."Tsuande said.

Naruto couldn't take this anymore.what she wanted him to do...he couldn't go through with that.

He was going to do what he believed in.

"I don't care who I have to fight!"he raised his voice as he made a fist.

"If he rips my arms out,I'll kick him to death!"
"If he rips my legs off,I'll bite him to death!"
"If he rips my head off,I'll stare him to death!And if he gouges out my eyes,I'll curse him from my grave!"

"Even if I'm torn to shreds,I'm taking back Rin from Madara!"he yelled as pointed his fist towards Tsuande.

"And that's a promise."he said.

Tsuande,Kakashi,and Sakura all stared at Naruto.

So much determination,and confidence.Sakura thought.

The same goes for Sasuke.he thought.

That's our Naruto...Tsunade said in her mind,a small smile crept on her face.

"Fine."she said.

"But Lady Tsunade!"Sakura blurted.

"I'll allow you to pursue and capture Rin..but on one condition."she said as she stood up from her chair.

"Your can't die."she stated.

Naruto smiled and nodded,"I accept."he said placing his fist back down to his side.

Sakura was mad at her mentor,the her opinion that was a reckless decision.

Kakashi shook his head,he to had a smile.after all that trouble of convincing the hokage.he thought.

"If your going to allow him to do so,then we have to go."he said walking to his team.

"Right."Naruto said.

Kakashi has to get as much training with these two as possible,before the war starts...but this time there training will be held outside the village.

They would be making a second trip to the falls of truth.

"Well,I suggest you be on your way."Tsuande said.

All three nodded and turned to take there leave.

She smiled as Sakura shut the door.sitting alone in this office had changed her point of view on this war.

—thirty seven minutes later—
Rins P.O.V.
Those gates that I knew to well stood tall before me.

What I thought that I would feel was disturbingly wrong.I didn't feel nervous or anxious.

All I felt was a strong urge to destroy and kill.

I never thought that I would come back many memories and old feelings came back.but subconsciously were pushed away.

Sasuke stood beside me and Madara was a few feet behind me.

I'm ready to do this.I've never felt such excitement,I was eager to do this.

Killing all the people who pushed me away,the leadership who isolated my clan,who gave the permission to kill them!

They were all going to die by my hand today.

And there wasn't anything they could do about it.

All the patrolling shinobi around the area were dealt with by be more specific,they were dead.

I took a deep breath,I'll do what Madara ordered me to do without a problem.I'm calm and collected.i thought to myself.i was feeling the air around me,and the whispers of the newly dead.

There was pleading in the wind..

But I didn't care.where was my sympathy and compassion when I begged for mercy.

There was none.

Just like Konoha did to me,I'll do the same to them.

I'll show them no mercy,and have no remorse after.and I was assured on that from my own heart.

To hear the cry's from the people who despised and hated me.for all who rejected me and my existence.

It was over for all of them.

As a fierce wind past by,the vibrant leaves of this land were carried by the air.

I'm ready...

I took a step forward.

They'll all know my existence now.i began walking forward.

It's time I got my revenge....

On Konoha.

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