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Rin's P.O.V
Rain,i heard rain tapping against the was loud,I slowly opened my eyes.

My veiw was the roof,im back at the house?I blinked twice and then sat up.


He was sitting in a chair next to my bed,it seems like he was starring at me for hours,in fact he still was with a semi-angered expression.


I felt something,on my wrists.I looked down and my eyes slightly widened when i saw that my cuts were wrapped.

Oh no...

"You thought you could keep it a secret."Obito said.

I said nothing as i grabbed my wrist holding it in my hand gently.

I brought it to my chest and my head dropped,i started to pathetic feeelings always making there way out of me.

I heard Obito get up and his footsteps coming near me.did i expect some kind of punishment..yes,i did.

His body created a shadow over me.I knew he was mad at me,but i didn't care.I was to mad at myself for being caught.

"Why would you do that to yourself."he said in a calm tone.

I kept my head low,i wasn't in the mood for talking right now.

So i didn't,I just held my wrist to me.a scolding isn't what i was-

I slightly gasped when Obito gently grabbed my chin and made me look up.

He let go once i was making eye contact and starred at me,as i did to him.

"Im angry with you,yes but I've grown quite a liking to you.."he said wiping away a tear with his finger.

I blinked,i was suprised.

"What do you think of me.."I whispered.

Obito let his hand fall to his side,"I think of you as my student."he said.

There was a small pause.

"And younger sister."he said.

My eyes widened.


He frowned,looking at me with worry and concern.

He didn't know what that meant too me,what he just meant a family to me!

Next thing i knew,i was hugging Obito arms wrapped around his neck.

He was stiff at first,but his arms slowly came around me.

To me this meant i could always come to him,and he'd always be there for me and i would for him. I've never had an older brother before but this was all i needed.

We stayed in hugging for a while now,Obito truly cared.
It had finally stopped raining.

The air was cold and dry,Obito had taken me to a new ground for training.

"Try doing this."he said weilding hand signs.

"Demonology style:demon black flare jutsu!"

The tree next to us went up in black flames.

"Woa-"I started to say but he did more signs and then water spewed out of his mouth.

The flames didn't go out!!!!

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