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"There chakra ends here."Fu said as brought out his sword.

"Where are they?"Torune asked as he got into battle stance.

"There here,so stay on guard."Fu replied as his eyes scanned the area around him.

A breeze flew in,filling the silence around them.Fu was on the edge.he knew that these were both powerful shinobi.

Torune looked in all directions.

They had to be hiding,but why is that?I stopped sensing there-

"Looking for someone."

Fu and Torune turned around in an instant.both with weapons was him,Madara Uchiha.Fu thought.

"Damn you."Torune said angrily as he took a step forward.

"We'll kill you for declaring war on the Konoha and the other nations!"Fu yelled.Torune charged for him,along with Fu following him.Obito did nothing but watch as they came for him with rage.

How pitiful,what was the fifth hokage thinking sending two escorts to pursue them

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How pitiful,what was the fifth hokage thinking sending two escorts to pursue was suicide.he thought.

Before they could hit Obito,Sasuke landed in front of him,kicking Torune and blocking Fu's sword with his own.

"Why you!"Fu yelled as he jumped backwards.

"Get up Torune!"he added as he raised his sword and pointed it straight to Sasuke.

"Your dead!"he said.

Sasuke had no expression on his face,he just wanted to get this done as soon as possible.he needed to get back to Madara and Rin.

Fu came running back with Torune again.

Obito watched as they both clashed with Sasuke.this wasn't part of the plan.but it really wouldn't interfere with it.

He began to swirl,and spawned to one of the bridges pillars.

This was interesting to watch.after all that training with him,Sasukes picked up on my own moves.

Interesting..he thought.

He's become more precise,and his attacks have grown stronger.

This was promising.when Rin goes to destroy Konoha,Obito would have Sasuke escort her there being undetected.and most of all to protect her from that nine tails bastard.he thought.

Yes...and until Madara has gotten his hands on the Juubi,then everything would be complete for his plan.

To create a nation for are kind.

Whoever the holder was for the Juubi would face inescapable death.and whoever it was,he wouldn't hesitate to do it himself.

Obito took his eyes off of Sasuke and looked to the landscape before him.

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