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Naruto was pushed back by Madaras staff.he used that chance to return to his side,landing next to where Rin,Sasuke and Sakura all stood.

Madara who stared at them all,placed his hand to where Rins last attack was.

She's did this much damaged..he thought.

I won't be able to fight properly since this will take time to heal.

With that being realized he began to laugh amongst himself.

Rin inhaled sharply,she hated what she had did to him.

I have to stop him somehow...but i don't want him to fight any longer....theres only one way i can do this,I'll make him listen to what I have to say!

Sasuke grabbed her arm with a tight grip,"you won't get through to him like that."he said.

He already knew what I was thinking.she thought.

"To think you pushed me this far...Rin."Madara said as his feet were no longer on the floor.


"There is no other word to describe it."

Madara made a tight fist,"but...I am the one who will get to see his true dream come true!"he said and flew up.

"Wait!"Rin shouted.

"I'll handle the rest!"Sasuke yelled pushing her back.

Sasukes completed susano'o formed and with its wings,it took off after Madara.

"Sasuke!"Rin yelled.

"It's fine.we'll back him up."Naruto said placing his hand on her shoulder.

Rin looked at him.does he think we're on the same team or something?she thought.damn it!dont think now!focus!

But Rin tried to move her feet along with Naruto.

What the-?!she looked down.there was a black hand holding her ankle with Naruto in the same hold.

"I've been waiting for this moment the entire time!"

She turned her head to the sound of that unfamiliar voice,her eyes widened.

"No ones going to get in my way!"

"Obito?!"she said.what happened to him?i put him under a genjutsu!so why was he awake?and what was that on his left side!

"You again?"Naruto yelled.

Whoever was talking wasn't Obito at all.they sounded different.and his ordinary side..he seemed to be unconscious.she thought.

Madara neared the moon and came to a complete stop.

His hand rose up,and grabbed the other horn from his head.he gripped onto it tightly as he used an excess amount of force to break it off.

Finally.he thought.

The eye on his forehead opened wide.

The eye on his forehead opened wide

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