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I shook my head as I looked to the ground,"I-I don't believe you."I muttered.he could just be telling me this out of pity.but then again,Madara wasn't the type of man to do why?

"It doesn't matter if you believe me or not."he said as he grabbed my arm,and pulled me up to my feet.

"I'm only saying the truth."

"You never made that decision to kill our clan,so blaming yourself is preposterous."he said as he let go of my arm and placed his hand on my wounded forehead.

"You don't deserve death,not even sadness in my judgement....and you can't disgrace the name you have,not when you've given effort to avenge the dead."he said grazing his fingers along the small streak of blood.

I looked into his eyes.why was he being so sympathetic towards me?

"Nothing is your fault.the ones that are to blame aren't here,the ones who resented your power and those who feared it,it was there arrogance that made all of this happen."

"It had nothing to do with you.but even so,your standing here telling me it is."

"Lying to yourself won't get you anywhere."

"So I don't want to hear any more of your foolish conspiracies."he said in a dark tone.

My eyes were wide as I stared at him.he was mad but was showing me kindness at the same was almost like he knew what I was feeling.

Was this true?

It wasn't my fault?i never made that decision..I didnt choose for my clan to die,I never chose Itachis fate,it had nothing to do with me.thats what Madara was telling me.

I looked up and took a step towards him,we were face to face.

It wasn't my never was....that's what I'm going to believe from now on.I thought to myself as my hands rose up.

I placed them on each side of his face,if it was possible,I think I was in love with him even more then before.

He didn't move.he stood there,not taking his eyes off me,"Madara..."I whispered as I slowly brought my face to his.

His eyes slightly widened when he realized what I was going to do.but,I felt the need to do this.

I pressed my body to his,feeling the warmth of it as I gazed into his eyes.i was wrong,he didn't blame me for what I thought I'd done.....

Madara wasn't stiff this time,he seemed relaxed and somewhat calm,but even if he didn't want me to do this,I wouldn't care.i had to do it,I just had to.

As I leaned in,i felt his hands softly being placed on my shoulders.he was starring at me like I was doing something he'd never seen before.

I brought my lips to his slowly,we were closer then ever before.with my chest against his,i could feel his heartbeat increasing with each second that went by.this was my gratitude and love.

Our lips were centimeters apart now.

He was all I needed to feel happy.i didn't need death...I blamed myself for to many years,and he somehow made me believe it wasn't my fault.what was this power he had over's like I didn't even feel this way in the first place.i owed all of my thanks to him.

They grew closer and closer.



I closed my eyes.

I was about to make contact.

Right now..this kiss will show you how I feel.what I want to tell you!how much I crave for you!and how much you mean to me.everything I ever wanted to say is all aided me in my time of need-

Suddenly,I was pushed away.

My eyes opened the second after.his hands were still on my shoulders.he was gripping me with slight force.


What happened?i starred at him,waiting for an explanation.but he kept his eyes to the floor.

I didn't know how to feel.

He didn't reject didn't seem like that at all,but it was something else.

"You can't."he said letting me go.

I blinked a couple of times as I wiped my tears away.

"....why?"I asked as he turned around.

He didn't answer,I watched as he began to walk hand rose,and my fingers gently touched my lips.

We were about to...

I took a deep breath as he opened the door and slid it shut behind him.

He was afraid.

No,he was just protecting himself...I forgot about our conversation before..

He didn't want intimacy.

It wasn't right..he made me see that I was in the wrong about myself and the way I thought.

"Thank you."i muttered.

But I was angry that he wouldn't let me get close to him!i was mad because he didn't know what it meant for someone to love him.

A headache came to me slowly.but..I didn't seem to mind the pain.Madara said I didn't deserve to be sad...or..feel any type of hurt.

I took a deep shaky breath.

All my concerns didn't completely go away,Madara rejecting any form of love was the only thing that caused me to worry.

Not mine,for once.but,maybe it really wasn't his fault.

I brought my hands to my view and looked at them for a moment.

"Izuna.."I whispered.

When I really needed him the most...I would say his name.i closed my eyes as I looked up to the ceiling.

"I wish you were here.."

He would be the one to give me advice about Madara.but he was another part of me that was taken away by ninja who didn't care who they killed.but,I missed him..I missed him so much that it hurt to even just think about him.

I couldn't stop if I wanted to.I'm sure Madara felt the same.but... unlike me he never shedded any tears.

I didn't understand that.

But I didn't have to.

Everyone dealt with there emotions different.and I'm not here to criticize him on it.

I raised my hands,reaching out.

"I promise..I'll do whatever it takes for your brother to be happy...I promise Izuna.."

"And to avenge my clan,the right way."I whispered.

That's another thing Madara was wrong about.Itachi never did want to kill our taking his life was the wrong decision to make.

He didn't do that on his own was the third hokage,and overall Konoha.I couldn't do anything about the third,he was already dead.but there was the fifth hokage,and the entire village that was at fault.

"I promise.."

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