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Obito's P.O.V.

I sensed Madara's chakra,he's here already?

I moved faster and faster.I sent him a message saying that we were under attack and Izuna and Rin were injured,Also that there ship had been destroyed.

Rin lost consciousness hours ago,I had stopped to make sure she didnt die.

This Uchiha...she was nothing I've ever seen before.her power was truly amazing.i could see why all the nations wanted her dead or captured.i wondered how she kept her exsistence a secret for this long.let alone she's a woman,no one expected that.i didn't belive it,even when Madara said it himself.

But she was real.

I finally came to my destination.

There was a huge boulder in the way of the entrance.I activated my jutsu and walked straight through it.

When i was in,i headed down the pathway.I know Madara's worried about his brother.

Seeing Itachi stand guard to the next entrance,i nodded at him and he did the same.I passed by half of the Akuatski group.when i walked into the litted room,Madara was the only one standing there.

When he saw me his eternal mangekyo sharingan was shown,"Where's Izuna!"he demanded.

I activated my kamui and i summoned him on the table in the room.

Madara was by his side instantly.he quickly put his two fingers on his wrist,he was checking for his pulse.

His posture relaxed as he put Izunas wrist down.

"Is she alright?"he asked.

I shook my head."she used up her chakra healing and protecting Izuna."i explained walking to the other table and laying her down.

"Izuna was badly injured when he came to warn us,Rin tended to his wounds and made sure no harm came to him when he lost consciousness."i explained.

"Resulting to this."I added.

Madara looked at Rin as well and then to Izuna.

"She fought?"he asked.

I nodded.

"Vary well,go find a medical ninja and bring them here,we'll be getting a new ship and leaving this village as soon as Izuna and Rin are stable."Madara said

"Right."I replied.

Before i set out,i looked at Madara.

"Is Danzo dead?"I asked.

"Yes."he answered.I nodded.another problem gone.

Rin's P.O.V.
I heard voices...I opened my eyes slowly.Where am i?

I looked to see a wooden ceiling..diffrent from the last one i had woken up to.

How did i get here?

I tried to sit up,but a sharp pain shot in my stomach.I cringed and laid still.hearing the sounds of water,i guessed i was on a boat.

A boat..


I sat up quickly,I didnt care for the pain as i tried to get up.I stood on my feet and was about to run out the door,but-


I fell right on the floor.

My eyes watered as the pain became unbearable.

"Ow.."I cried.

My body was in no condition for me to do what i just did.a few seconds later the door to the room opened.

I looked up.


He walked to me."Your supposed to be resting."he said.I put my arm on my stomach,since that was the main source of pain.

"Is Izuna okay!?"I asked looking up to him.

Madara knelt down and picked me up,carrying me back to the bed and placing me on it.

"He's fine."he said.

I was surprised,Madara was being gentle with me.

"Oh.."I said and placed my hand on my stomach,applying my healing jutsu on it.

"You did good on the battlefield."He said.

I made eye contact with him,what?did Madara really just say i did good?

"Thank you."I replied giving him a small smile.

"I'd like to check on Izuna,he was injured badly and i need to see-"I started to say but Madara did three hand signs.

"Your also injured,and i told you Izuna is fine."he said.

He placed his hand on my forehead.


I fell in a deep slumber.
"Welcome home Rin!"My mother said smilig at me.

I walked into house and smiled,it smelled homemade rice.

"Hey Rin."fathers voice said behind me,I giggled as his hand went on top of my head.he ruffled my hair,and then walked to the dinner table.

I smiled as i joined him.

"How was your day?"mother asked.

"It was great!I got to learn new jutsus.and get this i figured out my my chakra nature."I explained as mom placed a plate in front of me.

She looked at my dad and they both laughed.I looked at them confused,"whats so funny?"I asked giving them a half smile.

"All Uchiha's chakra nature is fire,we could've told you that."father said.

I laughed."Its still-"

My mom screamed in pain,my eyes widened as i saw a blade sticking out through her chest.

My smiled dissapeared.

Suddenly my dad did the same,but this time two blades were sticking out through him.

"MOTHER!!!FATHER!!!"i screamed getting up.

Suddenly everything changed.

I was outside??

"Sweetheart why are you crying?"mother said putting a hand on my cheek.

I looked at her.

"B-But you just died."I whispered.

My eyes widened as i felt a large amount of pain through my shoulder.Seeing my mother holding a sword which was impaled in me,i screamed.

"M..Mother?"I cried grabbing the blade and trying to push it away as well with her.
I gasped sitting up.

I-It was just a dream..

I put my hand on my heart,it was beating fast.feeling sweat drip down to my forehead i looked around.what the hell?

My eyes watered,did Madara do this?!

No..he couldn't have,all this time when Madara would make me fall asleep,he would use a peaceful genjutsu..I wiped my tears away.

That was probably my conscious.

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