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I silently let the tears soak my blindfold.I couldn't do anything to get out of here.

I was helpless.

We've been walking for what i can assume for hours.every once in a while Itachi would pull the rope and tell me to move faster.he should've had some sympathy since im walking blindfolded,but i recieved none.

I can't believe Kabuto did this to me..why would he do this..

"Kabuto,i made tea!you want some?!"I asked bringing the two drinks for us.

He laughed."Even if i said no,you would still make me drink it."he said.

I smiled."Shut up and drink it."I replied sitting next to him.

He smiled back taking the cup from me.I sighed leaning on the rock behind us.we both starred at the sunset,it was a beautiful view,since we were sitting on a cliff.

"Kabuto?"I said.

"Yea?"he replied.

"Do you...miss your parents?"i asked.I knew Kabuto's parents had died,but he didnt mind to talk about it.

But me,I wanted to talk about it.he looked at me."Are you okay?"he asked.

I frowned,"I just asked a question."I said crossing my arms.

He laughed,"I know it's just I've been trying to make you talk about them for so long.and suddenly you want to talk about them now?"he said.

I got angry.why is he interrogating me about it,"Forget it."I said.

"Do you miss them?"he asked.

Thats when i punched Kabuto's arm.

"OW!"he yelled grabbing it.

"I SAID FORGET IT!"I scolded and then got up and jumped off the cliff.

Dumb Kabuto,doesn't know when to stop talking.i just wanted to know his opinion,not mine!

-Later that night-

I was sitting on the floor,starring at a kunai,my hands wrapped around my knees,my chin rested on my kneecap,and i let the tears fall free.I really did miss my mom and dad,everytime i try to talk about it,i get angry.

As i queitly cried,i reached for the weapon.taking it in my hand,i brought my wrist up.

Making a small slit,I winced at the pain and dropped the eyes activated,and the blood that spilled on the floor floated up.

I began controlling it,It had become a sphere in my palm.

I wondered why my parents had to die.what did they do to deserve it..they were just innocent people,protecting the ones they love.i brought my fingers closer and the sphere moved faster,getting more violent by the second.I missed them so much...I don't know what to do anymore..

"You shouldn't hurt yourself like that."

I looked up.

It was Kabuto...

"Leave me alone.."I said queitly.

He didn't say anything,he just walked to me.I crushed the sphere in my palm,making it dissapear as Kabuto kneeled in front of me.he grabbed my wrist and pulled out a bandage.

"Look,I know your parents are a touchy subject for you.but i want you to know something."he said wrapping my wrist.

I looked up at him.

"I understand what your going through,and im always here for you."he said.


My bottom lip quivered and i bursted into tears and threw myself into his embrace,"I-Im s-orr-y!"I cried.he hugged me back.

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