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Rins P.O.V.
I stared at the roof of the ceiling.i couldn't sleep...

I turned every few seconds.but nothing seemed to be thing that could've been the cause was that it was cold inside.

Sitting up,I looked out the window.last time it was cold,I snuck into Madaras bed and used him as a source of heat.i laughed quietly as the memory passed by in my head.

I stood up,and walked out of my room.i quietly slid my door shut and stood in the dark hallway.i only heard the soft sound of the breeze rustling through the trees.

I took my steps slowly and carefully.i didn't want to wake Madara was rare for him to sleep.

I came to a halt when I came across his room.i turned slowly,staring at the door.i wanted to go inside...and lay next to him.

If only he didn't say that stupid thing about love-no!what am I saying?its my the one who brought it up.

I could be so stupid sometimes.

But still...

I put my hand on the door,and slowly slid it to a crack.i leaned in,with one eye peeking inside.Madara was asleep like i knew he was.but he wasn't on his bed.

Instead he was sitting on a chair,his eyes closed and arms crossed.

I softly smiled but kept my laughter to myself as I opened the door all the way.i crept in,walking to his bed.

Taking the blanket from it,i looked back.he seemed at ease when he was asleep.he didn't have the serious and cold look.

I walked over and stood in front of him.i hope he's having pleasant dreams.i thought as I placed the blanket over him gently.

Tucking it around him,I looked up.

Face to face.

I was so close..I blinked.

He was so intriguing.i could stare at him like this for hours.but..right now..with everything going on.with everything that he told me.there was no way I could take it normally.

Right now,I could be training and working on my own plan to destroy Konoha...that day was coming vary soon.

I raised my head and placed my lips onto his forehead lightly.instantly after,I stood up and backed away.

My cheeks heated up as I turned around leaving his hand grabbed my elbow as I smiled to myself.

Why couldn't I do that when he was all had to do with my own cowardliness.any woman would have confessed a long time ago.i couldn't understand why I wouldn't.

It never seemed like the right time to me.

I walked back into the hall and slid his door shut.this was exhausting.thinking about why I was to afraid only made me upset with myself.

But then again,I couldn't help it.i saw Madara everyday,I thought about him's only natural.i sighed,if only he felt the same way.

Grabbing the door handle for the exit,I opened it.

The ground was cold beneath my bare feet.winter was coming.

I always hated it.

Winter was when I first became truly parents were dead,my clan was gone,nobody there but myself.

The cold wind blew past me as I walked into the forest.

Once again,the words of Madara would come back echoing in my mind.but I couldn't bring myself to comprehend them.

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