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While on her way,Rin was panting and coughing out small amounts of blood.due to Kaguyas powers these were the small prices to pay.

Eiichi who was inside her truly admired his jinchuriki.

A strong woman who cared for her family.

He didn't have a clue to when he became so soft.

Sasuke had Rins arms around his shoulders,helping her walk.

"You need to rest."he said.

"I can't!"she defensively replied.

"Madara isn't to far away from here!"

Sasuke heard the desperation in her voice.there was no way he could make her stop now.

Back during the war,when Rin had recieved Kaguyas prowess,Obito had fallen into a portal that lead straight into their world.

He had landed next to Madara.with his great conflict he had against him,Obito had decided to help his former friend.

He took him to a place far away,but no further then Konohas border.

While Sasuke was returned to their world soon later.

Along with Sakura and Kakashis corpse.

They walked out of the forest,onto an open land.

Rin raised her head.


I remeber this place...she thought as Sasuke pushed her to keep walking.

The final valley.

I remember coming here with my...I can't even remeber..

She cringed as a death defying pain spiked through her head.

Over another hour later,Sasuke and Rin began to feel the presence of Obitos chakra.

Sensei is just up ahead-Rins thought trailed off as both she and Sasuke came to a stop.

Her eyes widnend.


I can feel him,not his chakra,but!

Rin had pulled away from Sasuke and began to run straight ahead.

I can't believe it.

He's alive?Sasuke thought as he followed her.

That's did that happen...

He then thought about she died,and came back to this time nothing should suprise him.

Was this Rins doing?

Suddenly he felt a warning blaring through his head.

Sasuke skidded to a stop,and turned.

His expression changed into an angry one.

He looked to where Rin was running

I have to..go back.

He took a deep breath,she'll be fine.Obito and supposedly Madara are over there.

Sasuke took off running in the opposite direction.
__ __ __ __
I see them!Rin thought as Obito and Madara appeared in her sight.

She jumped over the river that was ahead and landed steadily on the ground.

"Sensei!"she called out.

Obito looked up.

She made it.he thought as relief came in.he wasn't sure if she would sense him all the way over here,let alone make it in time.

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