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I laid in bed,twisting and turning.I couldn't sleep.

I shuttered,it must be my thoughts...I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up.what time was it?i thought as I stood up getting out of bed.I looked around.

It must be all the training..maybe my technique is-

I caught sight of my fathers hidden leaf headband.

Tears and anger welled up in me,it was a constant reminder that they were gone and dead,i walked over picking it up.I starred at the leaf symbol.

I thought of my dad...he was a leaf shinobi
"Come on,Rin!"Mom said dragging me to the back room

"No,mo-m!"i cried.

I heard a womens cry,"He's getting closer!Get her out of here!"my dad yelled.
-------Flashback over
I threw the headband across the room as tears began to fall.i hated that thing..but I could never bring myself to get rid of it.

My father...before he teleported me,he had shoved his headband in my pocket.i never knew why.but if he thinks I'm going back then he's wrong..

My fists clenched,i wiped my eyes and grabbed my shoes and put them on.

"Where are you going?"

I gasped quickly turning,"Kabuto!"i yelled angrily.

He laughed,"where'd you come from?"i asked.

"You left your back door open.."he replied.

"I'd thought you'd be with Orochimaru.."I said narrowing my eyes.

He shrugged,"not tonight."he said.

"Aside that where were you going?"he added walking to the balcony door.

"Out."I said.

He rolled his eyes and walked out onto the balcony,"well that's a shame..I kinda wanted barbeque.."he said.

I still had a straight face.

"I was going to pay for it to."he said giving me a small smile.

Free food?i thought.I returned his smile and nodded.Kabuto knew how to get me to go somewhere with him.

"What are we waiting for!"i said running out to the balcony and grabbing the back of his shirt while i jumped up on the rail and hopped off pulling him along with me.

"Woah!!!-"Kabuto yelled as we fell.

I laughed as I caught a glance at him,his eyes were wide,"RIN!"he yelled.
——7 minutes later—

Later on,we walked out of the restruant,"Im so full."I said as we walked side by side.he nodded,I could tell something was wrong.Kabuto's never this quiet,at least when its just us...

"Is something wrong?"i asked.

He only stopped walking.and looked around.i gave him a confused look.

"come on,follow me."he said and jumped up into the trees.

"wait!"i called out and followed him.Kabuto was moving fast,but i managed to keep up with him,we hopped from tree to tree.we were getting farther and farther from the village...this must be serious.

We had finally stopped,I landed in front of him panting.

"Kabuto? what's going on?"I asked.

He looked at me and sighed."Rin,your wanted by shinobi."he said.

"What?,what do you mean?"i asked getting a pang of fear in me.

"Orochimaru was discussing it with a group of men that called themselves the akautski.."he said.

My fists clenched.i know that name..I've heard about it..and I knew Itachi is with that damn group.ever since he killed my clan he ran off and joined them.

It was a cowards move!

"What!"i spat angrily.

"A few people from the akautski,came to one of Orochimaru's hideouts,and was asking if there were any uchiha still alive,besides sasuke.."he said.

I swallowed." can't be."i said my voice trembeling.

He nodded."two days later a man came,he said he was working for someone called Madara and asked the same question."he said.

"What did Orochimaru say?"i asked.This isn't good.he knows about me,and my where one knew I was an Uchiha!and if Orochimaru tells them,the news would spread out!

"He asked for something in return,then he would give the information about you.."Kabuto said.

Fear spiked through me,why are these people looking for me?and I-Itachi!the akuatskis looking for me now!and who the hell is Madara?!

My breathing increased,my heartbeat did as well,this was really bad!

"Rin!calm down!"Kabuto said grabbing my shoulders.

"There gonna k-ill me.."i whimpered.

"No there not,you need to leave this village."he said.

"Where am i-"i started to say but he cut me off.

"Ive already made arrangments for you to leave."he said.

"But what about you,you serve Orochimaru don't you?"i asked.

"Ill come once in a while or until he decides to move hideouts."he answered.

I nodded.

He starred at me frowning,i did the same.

"Im sorry that all of this is happening."he said,and waved me over as he started walking back to the village.

I walked next to him,my arms holding my so scared...I need to get out of here as soon as possible,"How much time do i have here?"I asked.

"Orochimaru said to give him 3 days for his desicion."he said.

I nodded.

"Your safe to stay here for about two days,but on the third you need to leave."he said.
When me and kabuto were in my apartment,i was sitting on my bed,more alarming thoughts fluttered in my head.all while Kabuto was starring at me with a look of concern.

"Everythings going to be okay,as long as you do what i say

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"Everythings going to be okay,as long as you do what i say."he said.

"What do they want with me.."I said in a whisper...

He took a deep breath."The one who saw you was the leader of the akuatski,he was passing through the village and saw you training.and since your mother was from the chinoike clan and your father was from the uchiha,you hold both powers.and its a power that people want."he explained.of course i knew that..I was the only uchiha with white hair.

"Want for what?"I asked.

"The war..."he replied.

I got pale,"a-a war.."I whispered.

He nodded.

What the hell.i thought.this was madness and these men were looking for me,they wanted to use my power? I didn't have any but my ketseryugan!i didn't know how to use my Uchiha power.

"But i haven't awakened the sharingan.."I muttered.

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