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-The day of the five kage summit-

Tsunade,Gaara,Mei,A,and Onoki all stood around the table as they placed there hats upon it.

Tsunade,Gaara,Mei,A,and Onoki all stood around the table as they placed there hats upon it

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They all bowed in unison,and walked to there own designated seats.

Each kage sat on one side of the room.with a large banner behind them that read there representative element.

"I appreciate all of you that came today."Tsunade said.

"What's that deal."A said as looked at the hokage.

"You called for a five kage summit for one woman...I'd like to hear why you called all of us here,for a insignificant person."A added as he crossed his arms.

All eyes went to Tsunade.

"The four of you must not make the same mistake I made."

"Don't underestimate that one woman."she said.

A still wasn't convinced.

"Not only did I call you all here for that woman.but also for the one she serves,as well as others."

"His name is,Madara Uchiha."Tsunade said.

Mei and Onokis eyes widened.they knew that name far to well.

"He's alive!"Onoki shouted.

"Yes,he long with two other Uchiha survivors.that includes Madara,Rin,and Sasuke Uchiha."she said.

"The remains of the Uchiha clan."Gaara said to himself.

"I believe there existence is a threat to all five nations.if we don't take them out,then we'll be living in-"Tsunade started to say but Mei cut her off.

"Has Rin ever done anything to Konoha?or the other nations?"Mei asked.

Tsunade gave her a matter what they asked,she could never answer that question.the truth was utmost secrecy.

"It doesn't matter if she did anything or not,but Madara has done plenty to all the nations."Onoki said changing the subject.

"It's true,I sent a squad out about one and a half month ago.Kakashi Hatake confirmed that Madara was the one Rin and Sasuke,and the rest of the akuatski members served."Tsunade said.

"I don't believe this.."Mei said.

"I didn't at first.but all the kage from Konoha before me,had tried to put an end to Rin."Tsunade said.

"Even the first hokage,Hashirama Senju failed."she added.

Onoki,and A both were surprised by Tsunades words.

"Hashirama even tried to stop this?but why?what kind of power does she posses?"Mei asked.

"All we know is that she has the power of the Chinoike and Uchiha."Tsunade said.

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