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No ones P.O.V.

Obito was speechless,he had just witnessed Itachi and Rin's battle.

She was bruttle,she wasn't holding back at all!but none of that mattered.Obito ran to her aid.

His eyes widened at the site,she was full of blood,her white hair was now red and soaked.

He gently grabbed,pulling her off of him.

"What the hell.."he muttered as he saw Itachi's corpse.his ribs were poking through his barley holding together skin.

You couldn't even make out his face.

He looked down at Rin who lay in his arms.he checked for wounds,there was definatly alot of them.

His fingers felt a hole on her right side of her stomach.she was impaled.

He saw Itachi do it from behind,Obito put his arm under her thighs and the other under her back and started running towards the house.

"Hang in there Rin.."he said holding her more tightly to him.

He hated to admit it,but where there once was a hole in his heart,Rin now filled it.he wouldn't know what to do if she died.

"You arn't going to die!"he said more to himself then her.

How could he let this happen..he loooked down to Rin.

She looked dead,the blood was cold to the had seeped to his shirt,but he had never imagined that she would defeat Itachi.

He stopped when he sensed a familiar was where Itachi was at!

Damn it!he didn't have time for that,he needed to get Rin medical attention fast!

He landed on a branch,and set Rin down gently.

He weilded hand signs,"shadow clone justu"he said.


Another Obito appeared next to him,"Set out towards west,and spy on whoever is with Itachi then meet me back to the house."he ordered the clone.

He nodded and dissapeared in a second,Obito was getting more frustrated by the minute.

He picked her up again,this time he sucked himself in his dimension.

He had to get back to Madara and Zetsu,he knew medical jutsu!now in his dimension he pinpointed the house where they were at and teleported to them.

It took a toll on his chakra,but he didn't care.

"ZETSU!MADARA!"Obito yelled and laid Rin on top of the kitchen table.

Madara was in his room when he heard Obito yelling.

He stood up walking out and down the hall,he heard glasses being broken and things being thrown.

As he entered the kitchen area he stopped right in his tracks.

He looked at Rin who was covered in blood and had multiple serious wounds.

"Where's Zetsu!!'Obito yelled as he ripped the lower part of Rin's shirt

"He left hours ago!"Madara replied.

"Damn!"Obito yelled as he began wrapping up her stomach.

Madara pulled out a scroll and hurried next. to Rin.anger was pumping through him violently,but he needed to focus on healing her.

Throwing the scroll over her body he placed his hand over the healing symbol.

He yanked the the scroll off,and weaved signs.

"Ninja art:healings jutsu!"Madara said and placed his hand on her abdomen.

Obito looked at her large slit on her stomach,it immediatly began to sizzle.

He let out a breath of relief.he really thought she wasn't going to make it.

"Obito."Madara lowly said.

He looked up to him, he stood up to his regular height.

"Who did this!"he whispered angrily.

There was rage in his voice,"Itachi."Obito answered.

"But there's no need to go after him.he's already dead."he added.

Madara was overfilled with anger and did this happen?

"How did she leave!"Madara yelled.

Obito hadn't yet known how,he only noticed that her chakra wasn't in the house.

"I don't know how,all i know is that she left and once i had realized it she and Itachi were fighting."he explained.

"I instructed you to watch her."Madara said and put his arm under her thighs then the other under her back.

"It won't happen again Madara."Obito said.

All he did was walk away,guilt flustered within him.

Madara took Rin to his room,he wasn't going to let her out of his sight ever again!

He looked at her blood covered body as he set her down.

Madara weaved signs,"shadow clone jutsu."he said.
Rin now all cleaned and patched up laid on Madara's bed,he took somewhat extreme measures for her saftey.

Sasori and Hidan were standing guard in front of the house's entrance,while Deidara and Kakazu walked the perimeter.

Madara had no intention to let this happen again neither did Obito,he was constantly in and out of Madara's room checking if Rin was still there.

Suddenly there was a loud commotion coming outside the door.

Obito and Madara in seprate rooms quickly turned there heads and were outside in no time.

Obito's eyes widened at the sight of his shadow clone,he was all beaten up.

"Sasori,Hidan stand down."Madara ordered.

"I dont have much time to explain,the chakra you lent me is almost out."the shadow clone of Obito said.

"What happened?"Obito asked.

"Itachi used a transformation jutsu and pretended to be you,he had woken up Rin and told her that Madara was waiting for her by the lake,and took her there for her capture and execution."he explained.

"Damn Itachi."Obito muttered.

"Who was that chakra after i left?"Obito asked.

"Nagato,it seems he was behind this whole idea."the clone replied.


The shadow clone vanished,Obito turned and looked at Madara.

"I'll go kill Nagato."Obito said.

"No... not yet,Nagato is going to destroy the leaf village,he'll be the one controlling Pain and the others."Madara said.

"If he does that his chakra will be drained..he'll kill himself."Obito said.

Madara was angered deeply in his heart,but he never asked himself why.

It's becuase he knew the answer.

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