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It was silent in the room.

Everyone was shocked.Tsunade,Gaara,Onoki,Mei,and A stood there speechless.

There enemy had just declared war.

"Fifth hokage,what should we do about Madara and Sasuke!"Mei said snapping herself out of her trance.

Tsunades eyes averted to Mei and then back.

"Fu,Torune!after them!"she yelled.

They both nodded and ran to the exit.

"Madara Uchiha just declared war on all of us!"Onoki said as he hovered towards Tsunade.

"Damn him."A said as he crossed his arms.

"What are we going to do?"Gaara asked as he began to think about any solution.

Tsunades fists were clenched as she stood there silently.what have I done!she thought.

"What did Madara mean by Juubi?"Mei asked Onoki.

"I don't know,I've never heard that word before."he replied.

It got quiet again," know,don't you."Gaara said as he walked to her.

She looked up to him as he approached.what excuse would she come up with this time.she opened her mouth to speak,but Gaara had spoken first.

"I saw the way you looked when Madara said that can't deny it now,you know what he's talking about."he said.

Tsunade scoffed as she turned around.there was no way she could say it..she kept it a secret from one knew except the kage before was the main reason why all the hokages wanted her dead.

"Tsunade...nows the time to tell us about the Juubi."Mei said.

All of the kage surrounded her,waiting for an answer.

Damn it.she thought.Tsuande had to.if they didn't know about the enemy's power,then they would all fall in the war.Tsuande looked up and turned around facing Gaara.this is what had to be done.this information about the Juubi was going to exposed.

"Rin Uchiha is the Juubi,the ten tails jinchuriki."she said.

All eyes widened expect for hers.she remained calm.

"Ten tails!!"Onoki yelled.

"There can't be.."Gaara said as he took a step back.

"It's true."Tsuande said.

"No one else knew but me and the hokages before."

"The enemy...they think your in the possession of this Juubi."A said.

"And we could use that to our advantage."Tsuande said.

"How can that be?!Madara is already in possession of the ten tails,it could be days before he finds out,or if Rin tells him!"Mei said.

"Rin doesn't know herself."Tsuande said turning to her.

"How is this possible...all jinchurikis are aware of there tailed beasts-"Gaara started to say but Tsuande cut him off.

"The ten tails is different from the rest of the tailed hides from the holders conscious and body."she said.

"How do you know all this."Onoki asked.

"My grandfather,Hashirama wrote all about it in seven different read that a man named Hagoromo Otsutsuki,defeated someone with god like powers,and dismembered its chakra into ten pieces."Tsunade explained.

"That's how the tailed beasts were made then."Gaara said.

"Yes,and Hagoromo was the ten tails jinchuriki himself."Tsuande said.

"How come Rin has it then?"A asked.

"It was said by the first hokage,that at nightfall a man came into the village,walking around with no sense of direction...that was till he came across the Uchihas clan that was on the outskirts of the village."

"He carelessly went in,without regards or being seen by anyone but an anbu who had the ability to blend within the shadows."

"He walked along the houses until he stopped at one particular home.he went in without notice of the people who lived inside."she explained.

"Who were these people?"Mei asked.

"Maru Uchiha and his wife,Reo."she answered.

"Rins parents."

"And from what the anbu ninja saw,Hagoromo had placed the ten tails within the growing child inside of the Marus wife."she said.

All of them had no idea why.even Tsunade and the previous kage of Konoha.the only one who knew was Hagoromo."

"That's all I know."she added.

Silence crept in again,nothing but questions and explanations filled all of there heads.

Tsunade stood her there,thinking of the worst.

"Well..."Gaara said as he made eye contact with everyone.

"It's time to come up with a that will kill Rin and the ten tails,and defeat Madara Uchiha and the rest who serve him."he said.

"I agree.staying here and talking about it won't do us any good."Onoki said.

"Let's find a way to defeat them all."Mei softly said as she placed a hand on Tsuandes shoulder.

Tsuande looked at all the kage around her.they supported her even though she caused a war.

She smiled as she unclenched her fists.a moment ago,she was considering to abandon the hokages role.but now,she was reassured.they had her back.

"Right!well create an army!with all ninja from each nation!"Tsuande said as she walked to the exit.

How foolish and cowardly of me.she thought.

"The five great nations will stand tall!we won't back down!we have the power of bonds!and trust!"she said turning around and facing them all.

Gaara,Onoki,and Mei had a small smile on their faces.while A had his arms crossed.

"For the greater good,we'll defeat everyone who stands a threat to us."she added.

That's right.she thought.

Tsuande had plans,big was going to take a lot of work and time.but this war was her fault,and she planned on fixing it with her own hands.

"Come back with me to hidden leaf,we will discuss everything there."she said.

They all nodded.

"Tsuande."Mei said.

She looked to Mei,"we all believe we can do this.Madara might be the god of shinobi,but he doesn't have what you do."she said.

Tsuande smirked and nodded.

"We have a Naruto."Tsuande said and raised her fist.

She believed now that she could win against them.Naruto had more guts then anyone.if he would join this battle,then there was nothing to worry about.

Gaara smiled at his name.the fifth hokage was right.Madara didn't have a Naruto.

We might have a chance at victory.he thought.

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