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(This is more of a filler chapter,this takes place a long time ago when Rins parents were alive and before she was born.)

No ones P.O.V.

"We can finally head back to the village."Fugaku said to his team.

They all nodded,"this mission was a success."he added as everyone stood up.

"Maru stay for a second."Fugaku said as the rest of the leaf shinobi disappeared.

"What is it brother?"Maru asked.

Fugaku looked around,making sure there was no one here.once he had scanned the area he looked back to his younger brother.

"I've heard bad news from the chinoike."he said.

Maru frowned,them?again?!

"What happened?"he asked.

"One of my spy's said that they overheard the leader of the clan was going to go to the hokage and warn him about your unborn child."he explained.

Maru narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists.damn it!he thought.what was he going to do?all he knew was that he would protect his soon to be son or daughter no matter what.

"Let them."Maru said looking to the north,where the village was at.

"Maru said looking to the north,where the village was at

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(Rins father,Maru Uchiha)

"I'll do anything to keep my child safe."he said looking back to Fugaku.

He nodded to Maru,"I'll do all that I can to help."he said.
Back at the village,Reo stood before the clan leader.Sora Chinoike.

"This child should be killed the moment it is born"

Reo angrily looked up to him,there was no way she'd do such a thing.

"That won't be happening."she said and looked up to him.

Sora was angry with her,disobeying meant a tremendous punishment,and she knew it.

Sora clenched his fists,"Your a disgrace to the Chinoike!this child will cause destruction to this village and the other great nations!"he said raising his voice.

"Just because my child might possess two kekkei genkai,doesn't mean it will cause destruction!"Reo yelled back.

"You are hereby banished from the Chinoike..get out."Sora said pointing to the exit.

Reo felt tears welling up,but she refused to let them fall.she turned and walked towards the exit.

As if she would think about ever harming her she left the clans home,she starred at her round belly.

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