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Rins P.O.V.
"I'll take it from here."Naruto said.


"Come at us!with the intent to kill!"I said raising my voice.

"Us?"Naruto questioned,seeing that I was the only one about to engage.

I didn't respond.

Sasuke landed next to me.

"S-Sasuke?!"Naruto said.

"I scoped the entire field."

"There's about thirty nine thousand shinobi left,and counting the reanimated ones as well.he stated.

"If the numbers are like that,then Obito went after him."Madara said to himself.

Obito went after Kakashi?i thought.

I shook my head,no!he's fine!i have to focus now.i can't afford to let my guard down.

"Shadow clone jutsu!"Naruto yelled crossing his fingers.

I ran towards him,with Sasuke following behind me.

The one thing I came to realize,is that taijutsu works on stronger opponents.rather then any other kind of jutsu.

Naruto and his clone were ready to dodge.I turned my body,grabbing Sasukes wrist,I spun.yelling while I did so.

I threw him forward.

At top speed,Sasuke flew through the air.

Narutos eyes widened as he skidded to a halt.he defiantly had no time to dodge.

I threw him to the original after all.

I would take care of the shadow clone.

Sasuke shoved his fist into Naruto,throwing him miles back.

He landed and pulled out his sword.Sasuke threw it in the air,just as I jumped.

I hit the handle of the sword with the heel of my foot,and it flew in the direction of Naruto.

He has no way of moving!

The blade cut through the air.this might and might not work.I hated to admit this,but Naruto was just as capable of winning.but it was a small chance if I wasn't one hundred percent focused.

Naruto crossed his fingers again.a clone appeared behind him,and pushed him out of the way.

The blade hit the fake,and it vanished.

I landed and watched Naruto crash into the ground.

That ended up backfiring.

I turned to Sasuke,our power worked well together.and ever since we put our differences aside,we've been able to cooperate as a team.if we keep going at it like this then we'll be able to claim victory.

"Hey!"Naruto yelled getting up.

"Whatever your planning,give it up!"

I frowned.what the hell is he talking about now.

"Me and you are pretty similar when it comes to combat."

"Don't compare me with someone like you!"I said.

"I wouldn't If there was nothing in common between us."he replied.

"How hard did Sasuke hit you."I said.

Narutos expression turned into a relaxed one.

It confused me,why was he like this?weren't we trying to kill each other a second ago.

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