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Nobody's P.O.V.
Madara was as stiff as a board.

His eyes were wide,his mouth slightly open.this feeling inside of him,why was it so good?why did it feel good?

Madara's eyes averted below.he looked at Rin who was now asleep.

This is just another women for me to use.he thought.he kept mentally repeating that though.but he didn't seem to believe it.

He should've just left the room..

He shook his head and gently grabbed her,he slid away and laid her down onto the bed.

Obito was passing the hall,but stopped when he saw Rin's door slightly open.

He looked through the peak.

Madara was standing next to the bed,starring at her.

Obito was confused,but his eyes narrowed when he saw Madara reaching for the blanket and pulled it up to her shoulders.

He knew it!

Obito walked off to his room,the Uchiha clan might just be restored.

Madara gazed at her intensely.from her face to her long white hair.

A moment had passed.

He quietly walked out of her room,shutting the door quietly.

Forget about those feelings.he thought walking in the hall.

That feeling he had was soon pushed away by grief and sorrow.

-----Rin's P.O.V.--next day
"Im going to take down the leaf village!burn it to ash!"Nagato yelled.

Madara,Obito,Nagato,Pain we're all in the house. they were seated at the kitchen table.I was the only one standing,by Madara's side of course.

"If you rush into things-"Obito started to say but was cut off by Nagato.

"I don't care,Konan is dead.i know the leaf shinobi had something to do with this."he said.

I looked at Nagato..he had it wrong.

"6 of my similar characters will be accompanying me for the attack.i also want Rin to come with us to do more damage."Pain suddenly said.

"Like i have said before Rin stays with me,and will only takes orders from me."Madara said.

I looked out the window.talking like im some weapon.i thought.

"I agree."Nagato said.

"Madara's already spoken."Obito said.

"This woman can do much more damage,it can be advantage."Pain. added.

"The answer is still no."Madara said.

"We'll just have to take her."Pain said,as he and Nagato stood up.

Fear struck me,but as soon as those words left his mouth,Obito and Madara got up as well.

"Let's see you try it."Madara spat.

I quickly hid behind them both.there was no way i was going with them!

""I would advise you to stand down Nagato.."

I turned my head.what the hell!!!who said that?

A half black and half white man with an Akuatski cloak walked in.what's around his head?!

I watched as the man walked over to the table.

"You both will be die in no time if you take these two on."he said.

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