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"Rin,wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes as i was being gently shaken.

"Hm?"i hummed sitting up slowly.

"It's time to go.."

Hearing Obito's voice,i nodded.

"Alright,just give me a minute."I muttered while stretching.

I finally stood up,"Why are we leaving so early Sensei?"i asked.

"Madara's waiting for us at the lake.he wants us to meet him there immediately."he said.

Huh?i was never told that yesterday?

"Uhm..okay?"i said confused.

"I'll be waiting,outside."He said and walked out.

I shrugged,and walked into my bathroom.doing my hygenic routine and fixing my hair then i went out.

Obito was was waiting outside like he said.

"Im done."I said giving him a smile.

He gave me a nod and began to walk foward,i followed closely behind him.i wonder what Madara wanted?why this early?i was up late last im pretty tired.

I frowned,I'll just have to get over it.i thought.

"Hey Sensei,how did you sleep."I asked.

No response.

Still upset huh?

I fastened my pace so i was walking next to him.

"Are you still in a bad mood?"I asked.

"Not at all."he bluntly said.

I laughed and put my hands behind my back,"You know your a bad liar,you can talk to me."I said sweetly.

He didn't answer me again!

Obito was acting odd..

"Hey,do you know why Madara asked us to come out here?does he want us to train or something?"i questioned.

He kept his gaze straight foward,"I dont exactly know."he said.

"So why didn't he just come to the house?"i said.

He didn't answer,we walked in silence for the rest of the time being.

As we approached the lake,there was no sign of Madara.


I looked from left to right and stopped in my tracks,Obito took two steps in front of me.

"Obito,I don't think Madara's here.."I said,his back was facing me.

"That's right."he said.


I gasped when a small cloud of smoke came around him.

My eyes widened.


My heart rate accelerated as i processed the situation.

Oh my god!i thought he was dead!how come Madara didn't kill him!should i run away!i don't know what to do!

"You women are more stupid then i thought."he said turning around looking at me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat,i felt myself so scared.

Damn it Rin!fight!

I took my battle stance.

Itachi smirked."You think you could take on me!"He obnoxiously said approching me.

"Stay away!"I spat taking steps backwards.

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