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Madara starred at me like i said nothing.

He only smiled and shook his head,"you?"he said.

I frowned,i knew what i was thinking was a bad idea but im known for that.

I charged to Madara and jumped up.

He followed me with his eyes,i brought my fist down while i desended in the air.

He followed me with his eyes,i brought my fist down while i desended in the air

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"Take this!"i yelled going straight at him.

The more i got closer to him at a quick speed the more i got excited,am i going to actually succeed!i thought.

I smirked as i was about to hit him-

My eyes widened when he took a step sideways,my smirk faded as my rasengan hit the ground,i closed my eyes expecting the impact.

But it never came,I opened my eyes.

Madara had both of my arms,preventing me from falling.

A-amazing..i thought.

I nervously laughed when he let me go."Heh,you had the advantage.."i said.

Madara half smiled.

I blushed and looked away.

"So that means.."i softly said and looked back at him.

"No."he said.

"But i need to work on my perception and my jutsu!"I whined.

"Im not your sensei."he said walking past me.

I watched as he went away.

"Can't you at least show me how you did that move before?"i asked following him.

"No."he replied.

About to protest again,Madara stopped walking.

Huh?i thought as i starred at his back,"Enough talking,go to sleep."he said.

"Well where are you going?"i asked.

"The waterfall village."he replied and began walking away again.

"Hm."i hummed,and followed him.i caught up to him walking by his side.

"I'll go with you!"i said linking my arm around always he stiffened when i touched him but relaxed just after.we walked together on the trail,the moonlight shining over us.

I smiled and looked to my left to avoid eye contact.i felt safe and protected with him.i also wondered how he felt about me.does he love me back?

What if he didn't...what if he just wanted me for,no..i quickly pushed that thought away.

As we came up to the..the hidden village of waterfall?

What the?i didn't know about this place?

"Madara what is this place?"I asked as we walked through the gates.

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